Page 83 of Love & Betrayal

Vaughn snickered from behind me. “Are we sure this prick hasn’t lost his balls somewhere?”

“Hm, no. We should probably check,” I said.

Ander’s eyes widened as much as weasel eyes could when Pierce and Vaughn picked him up from the chair and suspended him from a meat hook hanging from the ceiling.

I bent down and moved Donovan so he had a good view of the show. Walking over to a shelf behind Ander, I grabbed the stun gun. Without a word, I walked over to the bastard, undid his pants, and pulled them down along with his boxers. I fired up the taser and touched his nuts. He jerked, then screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Make sure he doesn’t piss all over you, man,” Pierce said, chuckling.

I moved out of the way, then tased him again. “That’s for Giselle, you little fuck.”

Over the next hour, we all took turns torturing Ander until he was barely conscious.

When I returned to Donovan, his nose and eyes were red from bawling like a baby. He had no idea what he was in for, though, since I’d saved the best for last.

The guys strung Donovan up on another meat hook, and I approached him. “Everything happening to you is because you’re a sick fuck who sells people for sex. I just want you to understand what landed you here with us.”

“You’re no better than we are. You’re torturing us!” He reared his head back, then spit on me.

I hesitated, then wiped my cheek. “I am better than you are. I’m taking out the fucking trash so you can’t hurt any more innocents. And I promise you this, I will be the last face you see as you take your last breath. If you think you and the other asshole are walking out of here alive, you’re sadly mistaken.”

“Murderer!” he screamed between his tears.

I smirked at him. He wasn’t such a badass now that he was on the other end of the stick. “Call it what you will. I’ll see you in hell, motherfucker.”

I took a deep breath, then released all the rage I’d held onto for years as I unleashed the beast on Donovan. For Giselle. For Ashley. For all the lives that had been taken and sold.

I glanced at my bloody and bruised knuckles, then Donovan’s fucked-up face and body. He was barely hanging on, but I wanted to ensure he was conscious.

Pierce, Vaughn, and I slipped on the noise-canceling headphones that Pierce had brought.

I approached Ander, grabbed my handgun from my leg holster, and raised it for him to see. A tortured scream escaped his mouth, and then, with a quickpop pop, the son of a bitch went limp, still hanging from the meat hook.

I returned to Donovan. “It was nice to meet you, Donovan.” Sarcasm dripped from my words. “And you’re mistaken. Giselleismine.”

Pop. Pop.Donovan’s head jerked back as I blasted two holes into his goddamn forehead.

I took a step back and removed my headphones. Giselle was finally free.

Pierce’s phone chirped, and he pulled it out of his pocket. We fell silent as Pierce answered.

“Hey, Brian.” Pierce’s brow rose as his attention bounced between Vaughn and me. Then a huge smile eased across my friend’s face.

“That’s fantastic news. I’ll give everybody an update. Later.” Pierce disconnected the call. “The FBI raided Giselle’s parents’ home. They arrested everyone there, including Giselle’s parents. The girls that were held there are in protective custody.”

“Dammit. I was so looking forward to dealing with Giselle’s father.” Vaughn smirked.

Even though Giselle’s mother was involved, we never hurt women. They were off-limits, so the FBI could deal with her.

“Let’s clean up and get the fuck out of here. I want to see my girl.” I wondered if Giselle’d had time to think about our conversation and if I even had a girl to go see. At least she wouldn’t have to look over her shoulder again. It was the greatest gift I could give her.




“Morning, Ashley.” I walked over to the sofa where she and the other girls were watching television. “I’m going to grab some coffee, then we can spend some time together, okay?”