Page 75 of Love & Betrayal

Whatever was going on made Sutton uneasy, which did not soothe my tattered soul one bit.



Idragged my weary bones to the now empty main-floor bathroom. I had never been so happy to see a shower and soap in my entire life.

I placed the toiletries from Sutton on the small, cream-colored counter next to what were obviously a fresh towel and new hairbrush, then wiped the steam from the mirror, only to immediately regret it. My hair was a mess, and dirt from the bag over my head had smeared across my face. Suddenly, the events of last week rushed through me, and I gripped the edge of the sink, fighting the tears again.

How is Zayne gone?

As the horrific memories bombarded me, I gasped, nearly losing my balance. I could understand why I felt like shit—stress and exhaustion to start with.

Carefully, I turned on the shower and waited for the water to grow hot. I would never be able to scrub my family’s filth off me, no matter how much soap I used. Their actions had stained my soul with a mark from their abuse that would never disappear.

I stripped and stepped beneath the spray. Disbelief and confusion clouded my mind as I reached for the shampoo. How had my parents ended up being so evil? It was obvious there was something wrong with how their brains processed information, right? What if I was broken like they were?

Lathering my hair, I inhaled the lavender scent of the shampoo, allowing it to permeate my senses. If Zayne were here, I wondered what he would say about my family. A sharp pang of grief doubled me over, and I sank to my knees. I planted my palm on the shower wall, gasping as my cries escaped me and mixed with the sound of the water.

Finally having a moment to myself, I broke down again and sobbed. It had all been too much. I hadn’t only lost Zayne, I’d lost my parents and Ashley. My heart folded in on itself, blocking out the world and protecting me from further pain.

After my tears had run out, I finally remembered that Sutton had asked us to limit the time we spent showering. I stood slowly, my equilibrium still a bit off-kilter. Hurrying, I finished cleaning up, then rinsed my face before I shut off the water. My thoughts returned to Sutton and why she was acting strange. She was clearly nervous, but I assumed it was because we were all on the run after her efforts to save the lives of ten humans.

I held onto the sliding glass door and lifted one leg, placing my damp foot on the fluffy black rug. Beads of water streamed down my body, and I grabbed the towel waiting for me on the counter. Minutes later, I was dried and dressed and feeling a little better. I ran the brush through my wet hair, not looking at myself in the mirror again. It was insane how rough I looked, but I shouldn’t have expected any different after dancing with the devil in the pits of Hell.

I cleaned up my mess, then left, the steam billowing into the hallway. The living area tilted on its axis, and I struggled to remain standing.


The last thing I remember was the worry on my friend’s face as she ran toward me before my world turned black.

* * *

A single lamplit a room I didn’t recognize. The firm mattress creaked beneath me, and I jolted upright.Am I still with my parents?Cold, dark fear shot through me.

“Hey, hey there.” Sutton took my hand. “You’re safe, Giselle. Safe. All the girls are worried about you. You fainted in the hallway.”

I relaxed at her words and laid back on the pillows. “Was I out long?”

“No, but long enough for Lincoln to carry you into the bedroom. I’ve called the doctor we use in case of an emergency. She’ll be here in about ten minutes. With everything you’ve been through, I think it would be best to have a checkup. She has a lab in her van so she can run bloodwork, too. She’s a one-woman show and has stitched up many a bodyguard when we’ve had to use this house to lay low.”

“I think I’m just stressed and tired. I’ve lost so much.” I chewed on my lower lip, willing myself not to cry again.

“I know, and I never want to minimize your feelings, but it does get better. Loss is difficult to deal with, and only time helps.” Sutton’s gaze dropped to the floor. “Hopefully, we can talk about things soon, but I don’t want to stress you out right now. You’ve had enough to deal with.”

“I just don’t understand how I never saw that my parents could be so evil. My father and mother taught Donavan everything he knew, raised him to be a co-conspirator in their breeding and sex trafficking business.” My stomach rolled, and I clamped my palm to my belly. “Shit.”

Sutton jumped off the bed and grabbed the trashcan, shoving it under my face just in time for me to puke.

“Fuck.” I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Hang on, hon.” Sutton left the room, only to return with a cold, damp washcloth, as well as toothpaste and a toothbrush that she set on the nightstand. I burst into tears at the sight of the cloth, recalling how Zayne had gently cleaned me up after we made love.

“Lay back.” Sutton washed my clammy forehead as moisture welled in her blue eyes. “I know it’s hard, but you have me. I won’t leave you, Giselle.”

After she wiped my face and mouth, I rolled over on my side and curled up. The agony of losing Zayne was more than I could handle. I knew I would never be all right.

The doorbell rang, and I glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was almost eight in the morning. It had taken hours for everyone to get cleaned up and eat, but I suspected they were all too wound up to sleep.