Page 67 of Love & Betrayal

He unlocked my glass container, then shoved the young woman in with me. I rushed over, catching her in my arms before she hit the unforgiving concrete floor. My heart collapsed on itself as her breathing turned slow and deep, and her forehead scrunched.

Shock and fear seized me. "Ashley?"

"Hmm?" She narrowed her gaze, her pupils dilated.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked, tears clogging my throat.

"Hey, sis." She staggered to her feet, scrunching her freckled nose at me. "I feel funny."

"Baby, it's okay. You've been drugged. I'll take care of you." I led her to the corner of the room, then helped her sit down without falling.

Noticing a small drop of blood on her arm, I lifted it carefully. "I'm going to fucking kill them," I swore under my breath.

I sat next to her, realizing my worst fears had just come to fruition. The little sister I had worked so hard to protect was in a cage with me and was most likely about to enter the same fate as the other girls I’d seen. All my efforts to save her had failed, and I'd lost Zayne, too. I slapped my hand over my mouth, muffling my grief as my cries shook my shoulders.

Ashley moaned, shifting her butt on the hard floor.

"It's okay, Ash. I'm here." I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. As fucked up as it was, I realized it might be the last time I got to hold her.

* * *

Hours tickedby slowly as I waited for the drugs to clear from Ashley's system. Two men brought food trays for us, but I waited for the other girls to eat first. If they all appeared to be out of their heads shortly after they finished, then I would know our meals were drugged.

I stared at the tray's sandwich, fruit, celery sticks, and chips. My stomach growled, urging me to take a bite. Closing my eyes, I calculated how many times I would have to count to sixty in order to see if the others were okay or not. It was the only way I could mark time, so I started counting in my head. At least it was a small distraction from my pit of despair.

Finally determining that everyone was all right, I gobbled down the food but saved Ashley's for when she was hungry. I had no idea when our next meal would be. Desperately needing to stretch, I paced the cramped space and trained my attention on my sister.

"Giselle?" came a soft voice.

I rushed over in time for her to puke all over the floor.

"I don't feel good." She placed her hand on her stomach as she heaved again.

I gathered her hair and rubbed her back as the last of the drugs left her system.

Her wide eyes landed on mine. "Where am I?"

"We're at Mother and Father’s house … downstairs."

Her gaze narrowed as she stared at the glass walls were in. "I don't understand." She attempted to sit up, her tongue darting over her chapped lips.

"Baby, I don't either." I couldn't force myself to tell her that our parents were most likely planning to sell her to a horrible man who would beat and rape her. I had to hold out hope that she wouldn't endure the same fate I had, even as my brain told me it was futile.

She leaned her head against the wall, and I stood again. Surely, I could get someone's attention to help clean her up. She was just a little girl.

So are they.

I glanced at the other cells. One dark-haired girl paced back and forth, chewing her thumbnail to the quick. I was afraid to guess how old she was.

"Is anyone there?" I yelled out, hoping one of our jailers would hear me.

"What do you want?" a gruff voice answered.

"My sister got sick. Can I get some water and something to clean up with? I know damned well my parents have cleaning supplies upstairs, so don't even think about telling me no." I planted my hand on my hip as though I called the shots.

The burly guy poked his head around the corner, curiosity in his gaze. "You're the Lamberts' daughter?"

"We both are." I nodded in Ashley's direction.