Page 62 of Love & Betrayal

I ran up eight stairs, but Donovan was hot on my heels. He managed to seize my hair and jerk me backward, sending me spiraling down. I gasped as my back landed on the hard floor, the air whooshing from my lungs.

Donavan sat on top of me, then captured my wrists with one hand. I attempted to buck him off, but he was too heavy.

He ripped the button off my shorts, then lowered the zipper while I screamed and kicked at him.

“I like it when you’re feisty, Giselle.” He tugged my clothes down to my thighs, and I pressed my legs together. “If you don’t stop, I will punish you.”

I stilled, understanding that it would be much worse if I didn’t do as he asked, but even though my survival instinct said to give in, my heart and body belonged to Zayne. There was no way I would go down without a fucking fight.

“Fuck. You.” I seethed.

“You’ll regret that, you little bitch.” He jumped up, then yanked me into a standing position.

I crossed my ankles and tightly pressed my thighs together, attempting to keep him from removing my underwear.

Furious, he let my arm go, and I landed a solid punch to his nose. He staggered backward, and I jerked up my shorts before running for my life.

Donovan scrambled after me, wrapped his long fingers around my ankle, and we both went tumbling back down the stairs.



If that son of a bitch thought I was leaving Giselle with him, he was sadly mistaken. I hightailed it to the Mercedes, hopped in, and nearly peeled out of his driveway. I took a sharp left on the road, then proceeded to hide my vehicle behind the fucker’s property.

Once I was out of sight. I parked, jumped out of the car, and popped my trunk. Fumbling for my phone in my back pocket, I slipped in one of my air pods and called Pierce while I removed the cover to a hidden compartment and stared at the guns and ammunition I had on hand in case of an emergency.

“Hey, Zayne. How are things?” Pierce asked.

“Donovan fucking came back early from his trip, man. He sent me home. That sick fuck has Giselle in the house,” I explained through gritted teeth. “I’m going in after her.”

“Hang on, Zayne. Think this through. If you do, you’ll blow the entire investigation.”

Blinded by a white-hot fury, I removed another handgun and loaded the ammo before sliding it into the waist of my pants. “Donovan will fucking rape and torture her. How in the hell can you tell me not to go in?”

“Do you want Donovan to walk, get away with everything he’s done to Giselle?”

Irate, I nearly threw my phone. “Yeah, I want the bastards to run, then I’m going to hunt them down, fucking cut their nuts off, and stick them in their goddamn mouths while they bleed out.”

“We’ll get them. You have my word, but you’re in over your head and you need goddamn backup. I’m trying to get through your thick skull that we’re close to bringing Donovan and Ander down.” Pierce hesitated. “Shit. But I don’t think I could live with myself knowing she was getting hurt. You’re backing me into a corner. Brian is going to have my balls, but we’ll take our chances. But you have to wait for us, Zayne. Donotgo in alone.”

“I’m not waiting!” I growled.

“Goddammit, Zayne. That’s an order.”

For the first time in my life, I had no plans to follow Pierce’s command.

I steeled myself. “If it were Sutton, you would already be in that fucking house.”

“She’s my wife, not a client!”

“Giselle isn’t a goddamn client, I’m in love with her. As soon as she’s safe, we’re all in, man. So say what you want, I’m breaking her out of there with or without your support.”

Pierce sighed. “Son of a bitch. I kept seeing the signs, but you promised me nothing was happening with you two. Let’s get her out. I’ll grab Sutton and deal with the FBI later. If you’re going in, we need a plan.”

“Time is ticking, Pierce. I need a solution fucking quick.” I checked the clip and safety of the handgun strapped to my calf while Pierce continued to talk. Giselle knew I was packing when she talked me out of my clothes to go swimming. The first two times we’d made love, I’d kept my pants on in case I had to get my shit together fast and protect us. I did a quick mental check and ensured I had everything I needed. I popped a piece of gum into my mouth as Pierce got Sutton on the phone.

“Zayne?” Sutton’s worried voice floated over the line. “Pierce and Vaughn are on the way. What do you need from me?”