Page 55 of Love & Betrayal

Little grey dots appeared again. As far as pointers, pretend you’re in the military again, and if you fuck up people die. Get into that headspace and stay there, man.

I blew out a sigh. What Vaughn suggested made sense, but this wasn’t the military.

See you tomorrow.

I was about to pocket my phone again when it rang, breaking the silence.

The world paused around me, and I looked up to see if Giselle was still in the shower.

Jumping out of my seat, I made a beeline into the hall.

“Donovan,” I answered.

“Why was Giselle’s door closed?” he demanded.

“It wasn’t. It’s been open just like you ordered. Maybe the angle of the camera made it look like it was.” I glanced up, allowing the motherfucker to witness the sincerity in my face, and imagining my eyes would be the last thing he saw before he fucking died.

“Guess I didn’t see you open the door when you came into the hall,” he grunted. “Where’s Giselle? She’s not answering her phone.” I folded my arm over my chest while I held my cell to my ear. My brain immediately began entertaining ideas ofhowto kill this motherfucker—torture first, then a slow, painful death.

“She’s taking a shower.” I didn’t bother to hide my resentment toward him. “Do you want me to guard her then, too?” I could practically hear Donovan bristle over the line. I smirked, then reined myself in. If I didn’t play it cool, I might fuck up the entire situation.

Donovan growled, “Of course not. I assume you searched her bathroom before she went in.”

“Yes,” I lied. “And Giselle hasn’t been out of my sight since you left.”

“Good to know you can follow orders.”

Pissed wasn’t even the right word for what I felt. “Donovan, I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. You have cameras, watch the recordings and see for yourself.”

He remained silent for a moment, then, “Have her call me as soon as she’s done. I want to check in.”

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end with his order. The sick son of a bitch didn’t even bother to say goodbye. He just hung up.

The bedroom door opened wider, and Giselle poked her damp head into the hall. “Is everything okay?”

I glanced around and reminded myself that recording devices were planted all over the house, except for the bedrooms, baths, and studio. I wondered why. As controlling as Donovan was, I expected him to have every nook and cranny filled with cameras. I made a note to ask him right before I slit the fucker’s gut wide open.

“Call Donovan.” I ground my molars together. In no way did I want her ever to have anything to do with him again.

Her features grew stormy, and the vulnerability she couldn’t mask bled through for a moment before she slipped back inside.

Bile crept up my throat, and I choked it down. There were only a few days before that monster returned home. Time was ticking, and it wasn’t on my side.



Once Zayne and I had met with Pierce and Sutton on Monday, I reached out to my parents. My father and mother weren’t available to see me until Wednesday, which only left us two days to prepare.

Before Zayne and I left the house on Wednesday, I slipped him a note with my family’s address written on it.

I aimed the car air-conditioning vent toward me, hoping that I could keep my shit together. My knee bounced up and down, and I was positive that Zayne could hear the frantic thumping of my heart.

Zayne glanced at me, then took my hand. His thumb gently stroked my fingers as he drove. I realized that he was trying to support my decision to tell my parents and get help, but I was barely holding it together even while he was with me.

Before we reached my parents’ home, Zayne pulled over and parked down the street. We climbed out, then he led me far enough from the car so we could talk.

He turned me toward him. “You’ve got this, babe. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Just remember that you don’t have to give them all the details, only the highlights so they understand the danger.” He pressed a sweet kiss to my mouth. “I’ll be right here.”