Page 48 of Love & Betrayal

I nodded, not completely clear about what she meant. “I’ll worry about that later. I need to finish telling you so I can escape from Donovan. His reach is wide, Sutton. And … he’s controlling me right now. He said that if I don’t do what he wants, if I try to get help, or attempt suicide again, that he’ll take Ashley and sell her, too.”

Sutton’s brows knitted together. “Who is Ashley?”

“My little sister. She’s eleven and attends a private school. Donovan won’t allow me to see her. Since he’s out of town, though, I asked Zayne to take me to visit her a few times, and I’ve talked to her. I had to know that she was okay, plus I miss her terribly.”

Sutton’s lips pressed into a thin line. “We can get her, too. Pierce and I have contacts with the FBI and military. We can help you both get out, then you can start over free from Donovan and his influence.”

“What if we fail? Ashley is just a little girl. These men are sadistic. Ashkov raped me with a glass bottle! I would gladly go in her place, Sutton. She doesn’t deserve that life.”

Although I was sure Sutton tried to hide her reaction, she winced. “You don’t either. No one does. Trafficking is a horrible problem all over the world. It’s not just women, it’s children and guys, too. I can’t save everyone, but when I have an opportunity to even change a few lives, I’m in. I’m so fucking in. We all are.”

Over the next hour, I provided Sutton with names of the most prominent men I’d been sold to, and as many details about Donovan as possible. Sutton took notes and asked questions. Although it was easier to talk to Sutton without the guys in the room, nothing could have prepared me for the rush of emotions that accompanied the conversation. It was the first time I’d ever told anyone what was happening behind closed doors.

“Can I ask you something?” Sutton inquired.

I almost laughed. “You know my darkest, deepest secrets already. Ask away.”

“How do you think your parents will handle this? Will they work with us to keep you and Ashley safe?” Sutton tucked her leg beneath her on the couch, frowning.

“The only reason I haven’t told them about Donovan was to protect my mother and sister. Once I do, they’ll do anything to help. They’re good parents. I’m not worried about that.” I fidgeted in my chair like a kid in grade school waiting to be punished.

“They need to know what you’ve gone through, Giselle.”

I hiccupped through more tears. “I know, but they’ll think I’m disgusting. Their famous daughter is nothing more than a sex slave. The truth will shame our family.”

“Oh, hon. There’s no way in hell they’ll look at you that way. You’re a gorgeous, smart, talented woman. They’ll zero in on your strength and determination to start a new life. Who wouldn’t respect that?”

I dabbed at my eyes with the tissue I still had in my hand. “I hope so. It’s hard to predict how someone will treat you after they learn the truth.”

Questions flickered through Sutton’s expression. “Are you talking about your parents or Zayne this time?”

Shit! She did not just ask me that.I had to spin this so Zayne didn’t get into trouble. He wouldn’t only be disgusted with me but hate me for breaking his confidence.

“He’s been good to me, Sutton. Men tend to lose respect for women like me once the dark secrets see the daylight.”

Sutton shook her head so hard that strands broke loose from her ponytail and fell across her face. “Let me stop you right there. Not all men are Donovan, Ander, and Ashkov. I grew up with these guys. They are pro-women and respectful, kind, gentle, and loving. Don’t get me wrong, though. If someone messes with their family, they will also kill to protect us just like we would kill to protect them. I’m surrounded by badass men who honor women and treat them as equals. I realize it’s difficult because all you’ve ever known is evil bastards, but try to see how many wonderful men showed up for you today because Zayne made a phone call.”

“Are you always this blunt?” I asked, a smile pulling at the corner of my mouth.

Sutton laughed. “You did just meet my younger sister, Claire. She’s even more direct than I am, but I think she’ll be good for you. She’s excited to get you on the dance floor.”

“I would love that, too. I miss dancing so much.” I leaned against the back of the couch, running my fingers up and down the glass of warm 7UP.

“Why did you stop?”

Sadness intertwined with anger threaded through me. “One night Ander and Donovan had a party. All the powerful, wealthy men involved with their scheme were invited. About twenty showed up and they all drank and put every drug possible up their noses. Ander forced me to wear a skimpy little see-through dress and Donovan chained me to the wall. Some of the men didn’t pay to touch or fuck me, they just watched. But one in particular was rough and began to beat me. When I tried to fight him off, he kicked me, shattering my left knee. It took six surgeries to repair the damage.”

The blood drained from Sutton’s pretty face. “And Donovan and Ander watched this happen?” Disgust dripped from her words.

“Yes. Ander finally came to his senses and rushed me to the hospital. He realized that he’d just lost his prima ballerina that had sold out shows seasons in advance.”

“What did your parents say?”

“They don’t know the truth. Ander told them I slipped and fell off the stage during a rehearsal.” I bit my lip to hold another crying session at bay.

“I’m so sorry. I can’t even articulate my feelings right now. All I can say is that there’s a special place in hell for them, Giselle.”

“Don’t get my hopes up.” I glanced out the windows, wondering where Zayne was. “It’s been impossible to escape. Finally, I had to end it all. The party that all of you were at was my anniversary celebration with Ander.”