Page 42 of Love & Betrayal

Curious about my surroundings, I peeked around the open floor plan, in particular noting the vaulted ceilings and the wall of windows in the living room. The wood floors were pristine, and from what I could tell, they were new. My heart soared as I stared out and across the hillside, catching the green leaves of the aspens and maples swaying in the summer breeze. I loved hardwood trees, especially in the fall.

Zayne led the way to the kitchen. “Good. I’ll make lunch while you tell me who the girl at the school is.”



Irummaged through Vaughn’s refrigerator while Giselle settled on a stool at the bar. The second I mentioned the girl, Giselle’s entire body stiffened. The young person looked just like her, and I had a sneaking suspicion that I wouldn’t like what I was about to hear. Regardless of her answer, I had an obligation to protect Giselle, and I couldn’t fucking do my job when I didn’t have all the truth.

Removing the casserole dish filled with Vaughn’s homemade lasagna from the fridge, I set it on the tan and white granite counter while my mouth watered.

“Do you like lasagna? Vaughn’s an amazing chef. He should open his own restaurant.”

“I haven’t eaten a noodle in eons, it sounds wonderful.” She clasped her hands, then moved them onto her lap.

“I can tell you’re nervous, but take a breath and talk to me.” I shoved the casserole into the oven and set the temperature to heat the meal. In my opinion, popping it into the microwave would be illegal and fuck up Vaughn’s creation.

Snatching a banana from the fruit bowl near the sink, I tossed it to Giselle. “I’ll split it with you.” I figured Giselle would give me shit for being bossy, but she must have been hungry because she peeled it from the bottom and broke it into two pieces.

Although I wanted to walk around the counter and hold her, I was afraid we would get distracted, and she would divert the conversation. That couldn’t happen.

It was clear that she wasn’t going to start talking, so I started asking questions. My chest tightened, and I dreaded her explanation, but I began with the hardest one first.

“Is the girl your daughter …” I cleared my throat. “With Donovan?”

Giselle’s eyes widened, and she fumbled with the banana, dropping it to the floor. I scooped it up, my nerves tingling while I waited impatiently, pinning her with a heated stare. She needed to put me out of my misery. I’d fallen for this woman, and the thought of Donovan connected to her for the rest of her life was pure fucking torture. Even worse, she would never be free from the man even if she hid. Sharing a child bonded you forever.

Giselle took my hand. “No. She’s not Donovan’s.”

As hard as I tried to disguise my relief, I failed. Blowing out a sigh, I stepped away from her and tossed the fruit in the trash under the sink. “You can have the other part of the banana.” I pointed to the other half still in the peel in front of her.

She flashed me a sad smile. “I’ll wait for the lasagna.” She tucked a strand of long hair behind her ear. “Her name is Ashley. I’m not allowed to see her.”

A frown tugged at the corners of my mouth. “Why?”

Giselle’s attention bounced to the living room, then returned to me. “Donovan uses her to control me. Ashley is my little sister. She’s eleven.”

My heart hammered hard as the adrenaline pumped through my veins. I knew Donovan was a piece of shit, but threatening a child was fucking sick. Thoughts of murdering him flashed through my mind, but that would have to happen later. Giselle’s—and now Ashley’s—futures rested on me pulling off an escape and protecting them.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

The clouds of my blind fury cleared from my head. If I wanted a relationship with Giselle, she was a package deal, and I would expect nothing less, but was I ready? Was I prepared to fight for herandher sister? Ashley was a minor, and it would be kidnapping to take her without parental consent, which meant Giselle’s parents would need to know what was going on with Donovan. That piece of information complicated everything.

The timer on the oven beeped, and I turned my attention to the food. Once I removed it and placed the casserole on the stove, I located two plates and forks and put them on the counter. I dished us each up a piece, then set her lunch in front of her.

All the while, my brain bounced around faster than a ping pong ball gone wild.Ashley. Giselle. Donovan.

“Is she safe right now? Ashley, I mean?” I took a bite of the lasagna, nearly moaning as it melted in my mouth.

“I’m not sure. She lives at home with my mother and father, but you saw how easy it was for me to waltz onto the playground and spend time with her.”

My forehead creased. She was right. It had been way too easy, which meant Donovan could snatch her up at any time. Not to mention the parents weren’t aware of what Donovan really was, so they would have no problem giving him permission to check her out of school. I pointed at Giselle’s food. “Try a bite.”

I watched as she took a taste and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Oh my God.” She covered her mouth with her hand, giggling.

Jesus, she was sexy as hell. My cock sprang to life, wanting to make her scream my name as …much younger sister, dude!My dick deflated the second Ashley and her safety crossed my mind. At least I knew how to keep my overzealous hormones in check.

I was done messing around. If I was diving in headfirst with Giselle, I had to know where she stood. “Giselle, do you want to escape Donovan?”