Page 30 of Love & Betrayal

“My gut tells me yes, but catching the motherfucker at it is another story.” I finally sank into the recliner. “I do think she’s trying to see if she can trust me or if my loyalty lies with Donovan.” I snorted. “Like that shit would ever happen.” Suddenly, I realized that it was time I proved to her that she could confide in me.

“He’s clearly under your skin. Just remember, you can’t help her when you’re all fucked in the head. I learned the hard way with Claire.” He stared at me with his mismatched eyes, guilt twisting his expression.

Hopping off the chair, I removed my cell from my back pocket. “I have to check on her, find out if she’s okay. Something is wrong, I can feel it in my fucking bones.”

Pulling up her number, I tapped the screen, then listened. My heart slammed against my ribcage with each passing ring. “Goddammit. She’s not picking up. I’m going over.” Fury pumped through me while I checked my front pocket for my keys. “I’ll catch you later.”

Vaughn jumped off the couch and grabbed my arm. “Zayne, think about this, dude. If you go in too soon, you could blow your chances of helping her. If Giselle is in danger, the best thing you can do for her is to be her bodyguard. You’re already inside her world, but if you don’t bide your time, then it could all be for nothing.”

I glowered at him, knowing he was right, but it didn’t mean I had to like it. He was right. I couldn’t screw this up. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

Claire, Vaughn’s fiancée, waltzed into the living room with a deep frown etched into her pretty face. It was clear that Sutton and Claire were sisters. They had a lot of similarities, including their blonde hair and build. “Who are we taking out?”

Vaughn released me, then strolled over to his fiancée as though our conversation were just an everyday occurrence. He tilted her chin up and placed a kiss on her mouth. “We think Zayne’s new client might be in trouble. Her brother has been pretty rough with her in front of Zayne, and he’s pretty sure that’s the tip of the iceberg.”

“Oh hell, no. If he’s abusing her, count me in. I’ll be your distraction while you pull the trigger, babe. We would make a great team.” She pointed to herself and grinned. “I’m Bonnie and you’re Clyde. I have no patience for a man who hurts children or women.” Her blue eyes flashed with eagerness, and she drummed her fingers on the top of her very pregnant belly.

“Beautiful, I think your hormones are a little out of whack while you’re growing our baby. There’s no need to talk about killing people.” Vaughn placed his hand on Claire’s stomach.

A smile eased across my face, even as my chest tightened with a hint of loneliness. They were perfect for each other and balanced one another out. I was close to giving up on finding my person, but a tiny voice in my head told me to hold on a little longer.

Claire patted Vaughn’s arm. “Correct, which means you should be careful around me.” She giggled, then planted a sweet kiss on his mouth. “Hey, Zayne.”

“Hey.” I gave her a little wave as she bounced off to the kitchen, then I remembered Holden’s request last week. It would be a good distraction while I was worried shitless about Giselle.

“Hey, Claire?” I shoved my hands in the front pocket of my jeans, suddenly feeling bashful around my friends.

“Yeah?” She opened the fridge and removed a bottled water.

“I need your help.”

Her blonde brow arched as she entered the living room and plopped down in the recliner. “Okay?” She twisted off the cap and took a drink.

I cleared my throat. “I want you to teach me to dance.”

Water spewed from Claire’s mouth and all over her green running shorts and oversized black T-shirt. Vaughn threw his head back and laughed his ass off.

“Really? Is my request that funny?” I asked, irritation in my tone.

Vaughn held his side, doubling over with laughter. “Not you, man …” Vaughn gasped. “Claire’s face and the water.”

“Fuck it. Just forget it.” I turned away from them, embarrassed.

“No. You’re not going to be like that.” Claire hopped out of her seat, rushed over to me and tugged on my arm, her bright blue eyes staring at me. “It just wasn’t what I expected to fly out of your mouth. I would love to teach you.”

“Me too,” Vaughn added. “But why?”

“Holden asked me to be a groomsman at his and River’s wedding. He mentioned that I needed to learn to dance.”

“Oh, that’s easy. From what I’ve seen, you have rhythm, so we’ll just start now, while you’re here.” Claire pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

“Thanks.” I shot a glance in Vaughn’s direction. “Maybe we could begin after Vaughn and I finish talking?”

Claire tossed her hands in the air. “Hint taken. But …” She pointed at Vaughn, then to me. “If you’re taking someone out, I want in on the action.”

Vaughn shook his head, exasperated. Once Claire had left, Vaughn groaned. “She’s been a handful, man. Like I would ever let her get in on the danger while she’s pregnant.”

I chuckled, enjoying his predicament. It wasn’t mine, so I had room to laugh.