Page 88 of Love & Betrayal

“The FBI called Pierce. They have your parents and everyone that was at their home in custody.”

Giselle’s hand flew over her mouth. “What? Everyone? What about Donovan?”

I shook my head. “He wasn’t arrested, but your parents were, along with the guards, doctor— everyone that was working there that day. The other young women were rescued, too. Apparently, a lot of them are pregnant.”

The color drained from Giselle’s cheeks. “Some by Donovan.”

“He won’t be doing that shit again.” My fingers curled into a fist, the bruises on my knuckles showing.

“What happened to your hands?” She reached out and examined one of them, gently tracing the cuts with her fingertips. “Zayne?”

“I’ll tell you what happened, but we need to be at the house first so I can give you my undivided attention.”

“All right.” She placed my palm on her thigh and covered it with hers.

Maybe things between us were okay, but I couldn’t ignore the nagging voice in the corner of my mind.



An hour later, a roaring fire in my cabin’s stone fireplace started to heat the room. I hadn’t been to the place in a while, and I’d forgotten how chilly it was at night on the water.

“I can’t wait to see it all in the daylight, especially the lake.” Giselle curled up on the sofa, watching me.

“My grandad left me this place. It needs to be enjoyed more, but with me working and moving around all the time, it’s kind of just sat here. Sorry it’s so dusty.”

“A little dirt never hurt anyone. I’ll help you clean tomorrow.” She pointed at the white sheets that had been used to cover the furniture and were now piled in a heap on the floor. “Do you have a washer and dryer here?”

“Yup. Everything works, too. I did check-in a few months ago. Not many people even know about this spot, so it’s a good place for me to visit and unwind. Well, I mean Pierce, Vaughn, and Sutton know.”

I stoked the fire once more, then sat with her on the brown leather couch. “I’m sorry about Ashley. I realize it was hard on both of you.”

“My plan is to bring her home in a year. I want to figure out what the hell to do with my life, then make sure I’m settled into a new house in a good school district with everything she needs to succeed. I can easily afford taking care of her … thanks to Sutton.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “That girl is fucking magic.”

Giselle tossed me a grin. “She definitely has some impressive skills.” Giselle faced me and tucked one of her legs beneath her.

“What did you want to talk about?” She propped her elbow on the back of the couch, focusing on me.

I cleared my throat. “The day you and I skinny dipped at the lake … do you remember the promise I made you?”

She hesitated, then, “That you would make sure Donovan could never hurt me again.”

“Yeah. I’m going to go out on a limb and tell you the truth, but what I share with you can never, ever be repeated.” My tone grew more serious with each word.

“I owe you my life, Zayne, and Ashley’s too. Whatever happens in the future, I’ll never betray you.”

I gulped.Whatever happens in the future. Fuck!I scolded myself and returned my attention to the conversation at hand, trying not to worry if she would walk away from me for good.

“I went a step further. Donovan nor Ander will ever hurt you or anyone again.”

Her forehead creased. “I’m confused. How can you be so sure?”

I rubbed my stubbled chin. “Because I fucking took them out a few days ago.”

A gasp escaped Giselle. Her gaze narrowed, then widened. “You … you killed them?”