Page 81 of Love & Betrayal

Giselle’s shoulders slumped. “I wished I’d known that you were alive, Zayne. I was in agony when I thought I’d lost you. On top of that, my parents knew about Donovan all along. He runs the business with them.”

I wanted to tell her he didn’t anymore, but I couldn’t say that until it was a fact.

“The undercover FBI agent also let us know where your sister was transported. With several other men, I went after her. One thing I can say is that while I was rescuing Ashley from the transport van to God knows where, the auction that you were at turned into a bloodbath. Pierce confirmed that Ashkov Butrick is dead.”

Giselle’s fingers flew over her mouth as she sank to her knees. “Are you sure?” Her hand trembled, and I pulled her off the floor and into my lap.

“Yeah. If I wasn’t a hundred percent positive, I wouldn’t have told you, babe. He’s gone. He can’t hurt anyone again.”

I rubbed her back as she buried her face in my neck. “Is that what you do, Zayne? Rescue women, get shot, and make sure the monsters don’t walk away scot-free?”

“Yeah. I do.”

She sat up and looked me in the eyes. “If I stay with you, I’ll be scared to pieces that you won’t come home.” Her chin trembled with the realization.

“It’s not an easy life to share. That’s why I’ve never settled down. But … I’ve neverwantedto until I found you. I know it’s a lot to think about, but if you’ll have me, I want you, Giselle. I love you so fucking much.”

She nodded and snuggled against me, and I held her until she fell asleep in my arms. I knew my life was a shit ton to handle, but it was who I was. It ran through my veins, and I wouldn’t be able to give myself to Giselle completely if I left the team.

Her soft snore reached my ears, and I carefully stood, then laid her on the bed and covered her up. My heart skipped a beat. How in the fuck would I be able to leave her if she wasn’t okay with my job?



Ihadn’t expected Giselle to sleep the rest of the day and through the night. After spending time with Ashley, Sutton, and Jaxon, I slipped in next to her and she barely moved.

Early the next morning, I quietly grabbed a pen and paper from the nightstand and left Giselle a note on my pillow, explaining that I would be back as soon as possible, and I loved her. Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell her any more details, but I knew for a fact that I would return to her. I suspected Sutton would be good company for her since she was often left behind, too.

The house was quiet as I crept down the stairs, the only sound being Sutton’s voice from the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee reached my nose, and I headed in that direction. She and Jaxon were quietly speaking when I entered.

“Hey.” I gave them a little wave.

Jaxon raised his steaming cup to me. “Morning. Are you ready?”

I rifled through the cabinet, located a travel mug, and filled it with the rich, dark roast. “Hell, yeah. I was ready from the moment I met the fucker.”

“Please be careful, you two.” Sutton took a sip, then set her drink down. “Bring me some good news so we can get everyone back to Spokane and help these young women return home or find new ones.”

I gave her a brotherly peck on the cheek. “You know, you weren’t supposed to know anything about this, but I’m glad Pierce decided to loop you in.”

“Me, too.” She hugged me and patted Jaxon on the shoulder.

I fastened the lid, followed Jaxon outside, and secured the door behind us.

“Let’s do this.” The gravel crunched beneath my black combat boots as we made our way to the company Mercedes. I was nearly giddy with excitement when I settled in, then Jaxon whipped the car around and headed to the main road.

“How are you doing with all of this, man?” Jaxon turned left off the bumpy dirt lane and onto the paved highway. The safe house where we were staying was hidden from most of civilization, but stores were only an hour away in case we needed anything.

“I’m a little fucked in the head. I should not be so excited about this.” I took a drink of my coffee and grinned.

“You were always a bit twisted, but it’s why I like you.” Jaxon ran his fingers through his blonde hair. He had been with Westbrook Security when Pierce’s dad still owned the company. Once it had transitioned to Pierce, Jaxon wanted to stay on. I was glad he did. He was a good guy.

I stretched my legs in front of me, then stared out the window as he drove the winding road.

“How’s Giselle?” Jaxon reached for his sunglasses as the first hints of pink streaked through the early morning sky.

“I would love to say that she’s okay, but that would be a lie. She has a lot to deal with.” My words were an understatement, and I knew having to make a decision about me just added to it all. I’d laid the cards out, and now it was her turn. All I could do was hope that what we had was strong enough to survive my way of life.