Page 69 of Love & Betrayal

Seven more sunsets and sunrises passed, but I didn’t see Ashley again. Depression had rolled in like a dark cloud, and I’d struggled to find anything to hold onto. I’d lost everything that mattered to me—Ashley, Zayne, ballet. At one time, I thought a better life was within my reach, then it was all sucked into a black hole, and my heart right along with it.

I’d alternated between pacing the cage or curling up in the corner. Occasionally I would drift off to sleep. At least we were well-fed and kept on an eating schedule, but the guards even accompanied us to the bathroom, then back to the cells.

I closed my eyes, seeing Zayne’s beautiful face in my mind. Touching my lips, I remembered how his mouth felt on mine, his touch, his strength. The lyrics to “Helium” flooded my brain, and I began to sing softly, remembering how effortlessly he picked me up in the dance studio. His love had started to set me free. I wrapped my arms around my waist, trying to hold myself together as the grief stabbed me repeatedly in the chest.

“I love that song,” one of the girls said from the opposite side.

“Sing with me.”

“I can’t really carry a tune.” She tucked her stringy blonde hair behind her ear.

“It’s okay. If it makes you feel better, then join me.” I approached the front of the glass and stuck my hand through the hole.

“I thought I could be strong enough to get through this horror on my own,” I whispered. “We need each other.”

I sang a little more, the girl joining in. Another person soon joined us, and I glanced around at the young women. There were at least seven of us, but I couldn’t see the other cells on my side of the hall.

A beautiful soprano harmonized, and we all shoved our arms through the holes. Eight arms. Eight young women were about to meet their horrible fate.

Once the song ended, we sang again, uniting together. The one thing that had been stolen from me—my voice—I’d found in a fucking cell while trying to give myself and others a sliver of hope in our dark world. I closed my eyes, imagining Zayne’s arms wrapped around me, and leaned into the safety of the memory.

Heavy footsteps broke through our song, but I didn’t even bother to look up.

They might be able to steal my body, but they could never strip Zayne from my heart, and I swore that he would live forever in my memories of the time we’d had together. Tears streamed down my face, but I continued to sing.

Donovan slowed in front of my cage, dressed in black slacks and a white button-down shirt.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for him to speak.

His brow arched, then the evil sneer I knew so well slipped into place.

“It’s your lucky day, sis.” With that, he unlocked my cell and grabbed my arm.

He jerked me into the hall, then practically dragged me with him. If I had thought it would help, I would have kicked and screamed all the way, but I knew it would have only worsened matters.

Donovan led me up the stairs to where the pregnant girls lived, then through the living room and kitchen. He stopped at the last door on the left, opened it, then forced me inside.

“Here she is,” he said to an older woman. “Check her out and make sure she’s healthy.”

“Of course. And blood work?” The woman with salt and pepper hair gave him a stern smile.

“No. She’s been with me for the last year, and I’ve had her tested regularly. This is just a basic checkup. Plus, we’re in a hurry. I’ll be back, sis.” He marched out, leaving me there.

“I’m Dr. Augustine,” the woman introduced herself. “My job is to ensure that all of the girls are healthy.”

“So, you basically give us a physical and if we have a clean bill of health, then what?” My legs trembled, and I rubbed my arms. The shirt and shorts I wore from a week ago were grungy, and I was pretty sure I didn’t smell good.

“Donovan didn’t tell you?” She pulled on a white pair of latex gloves, then motioned for me to sit in the chair before she grabbed her stethoscope.


“This is the last stop before you’re cleaned up and auctioned to the highest bidder. It will be quite interesting to see who will pay the most for the famous prima ballerina.” She collected a green band from a metal tray and snapped it, filling the room with the popping sound.

It took a minute for me to realize what she’d said.

Sold.I was about to be sold for good. I had become useless to them. This was more than just punishment for falling in love with Zayne and angering my family. They were finished with me. Numbness replaced my anger as the doctor began my physical. My heart and brain warred against each other as I struggled to come to terms that I would be auctioned off to the highest bidder in a matter of hours. Even more, the son of a bitch would permanently own me. There would never be a reprieve from the bondage and abuse.