Page 63 of Love & Betrayal

“Donovan has Giselle, Sutton.” I massaged my neck. “I have to sneak into his place, but the alarm is on.”

“Give me a minute, hon. We’ve got this.”

I tapped my foot, surveying the area around me. The second I had seen Donovan, I suspected he knew something was off. My eyes narrowed as I pulled up the tracker app. “Fuck.” The tracker wasn’t working, which meant he probably found it. No wonder I had no idea that he was home. The app was supposed to alert me when his Porsche was on the move.

“Zayne? How close are you to the front entrance?”

“I’m not. I’m behind the property, and I parked on the side of the road. It’s quiet back here, so I figured I would be safe.”

“Okay, keep me on the line as you move forward, then when you’re at the front door, I’ll disarm the alarm and cameras in the house so you can get in.”

“Good. I’ll need a few seconds to pick the lock.” I closed my trunk and manually locked the car to avoid the beep alerting anyone where I was, then jogged up the road to the back of the bastard’s mansion.

“I’m running up the hill,” I said quietly to Sutton. “How far out are Pierce and Vaughn?”

“Maybe five minutes. I’m pretty sure that Pierce is breaking every speed limit possible to get there.”

“Perfect. I’ll go in and leave the door unlocked, so they can come in behind me.”

“Okay. I’ll let them know,” Sutton said.

I ducked into the trees as I approached the back of the manor and spotted the cameras sweeping the area. As soon as they pointed in another direction, I ran along the property until I was at the front of the house. “I have eyes on the door.”

“Okay, I’m disarming the alarm and video feed now. You’ll have five minutes to sneak in and out before it reactivates. The guys are only minutes away. Be careful, Zayne. Run in, grab her, and get the hell out as fast as you can.”

“I will.” I hunkered down, then glanced around before I darted to the main entrance. Reaching into the holster on my ankle, I removed the lock pick tool I carried with me. “I’m about to pop the lock,” I whispered.

“The guys are three minutes out.”

The door clicked, and I stood. “I’m going in.”

“Be careful. Please.” Sutton’s voice bled with her concern.

“I will. I’ll be silent moving forward.” I adjusted the AirPod, securing it in place, and turned the doorknob slowly, listening as the seal broke. Giselle’s scream pierced my eardrum, and I forced myself to creep rather than run into the foyer, leaving the entrance slightly ajar for Pierce and Vaughn. I had to clear my head, or I would fuck everything up, but I wanted to go in shooting until the son of a bitch dropped.

I removed my pistol from my waistband, and my fingers wrapped around the grip panel and held steady as I hurried into the living room to the left of the foyer. Not seeing Giselle, I made my way to the far corner of the mansion where the kitchen was located.

“This is how it’s going to play out,” Donovan said, his back to me.

I flattened myself against the wall and my attention rested on Giselle in a chair. Blood trickled from her busted lip, and her eye was already bruising. My nostrils flared as I inhaled.How dare he. I was just about to step in when Donovan turned slightly, and I spotted the gun in his right hand.

Goddammit.One wrong move on my part, and he’d kill us all.

“Did you fuck him?” Donovan asked, bending over, his face mere inches away from Giselle’s.

“No. I told you there’s nothing happening between Zayne and me. You’re fucking crazy,” she spat.

Donovan’s palm flew across her cheek, and she released a cry. I rushed in with my finger on the trigger.

“Let her go, Donovan, and I might let you live.”

Donovan straightened, peering over his shoulder at me. “How sweet. The bodyguard is attempting to rescue the princess.”

“Move.” I used my weapon to motion for him to step away from Giselle. If I had to shoot, she was too close to him. It could go horribly wrong.

Donovan laughed, spun around, and fired several shots. My body jerked backward, and my gun clattered to the floor.

“Zayne!” Giselle screamed as I landed with a hard thump on my back that knocked the air out of my lungs. “Zayne!” She knelt beside me, tears streaming down her face. “Hang on.” Her hands trembled as she placed them on my cheeks. “Look at me.”