Page 6 of Love & Betrayal

“Giselle, it’s nice to see you again.” I offered her a smile, but she sent an angry arched brow my way instead.

“I can’t say the same,” she snapped. “I don’t need a bodyguard. This is all a mistake.”

It was clear that she didn't appreciate my presence in her space, but that was too fucking bad. Folding my hands in front of me, I calmly met her gaze. I was here and it was my responsibility to protect her. According to Pierce, when Donovan hired Westbrook Security, he’d mentioned that he was concerned his sister would run away or attempt suicide again, but Donovan hadn’t ever supplied her name. I had to ensure neither of those happened, although it seemed an odd decision to hire a bodyguard and not a therapist. However, Pierce and I suspected an underlying reason for her protection, so Pierce accepted the job.

“If it makes you feel any better, I had no idea that you … that you lived here. Last I knew, you were married to Ander Pierre.”

If possible, she managed to tip her chin even further up, eyes blazing at me. “How would you know those details about me?”

I cleared my throat, not wanting her to think I was a creeper, but I didn’t want to lie either. “After the incident at the party, I looked into you. I wanted to reach out, see how you were, but when I learned you were married and I’d actually attended your anniversary party, I didn’t feel it would be appropriate.”But I couldn’t get you out of my head.

Indifference settled on her beautiful features and her chin dropped. “Ander is my ex-husband now, and as my only sibling, Donovan kindly offered to take me in." She must have thought my look of surprise was tied to their relationship and not the slight sneer behind her words.

“He was adopted as a baby, which is why we don’t look anything alike. My parents were contacted when an infant was left on the doorsteps of a church, and the rest, as you Americans say, ‘is history.’”

The realization slowly trickled through my system and finally smacked me on the back of the head.Giselle is no longer married.I was in the perfect position to learn more about who she was, what made her tick, and why the hell she’d attempted to end her life. Finally, I could have answers to the questions that had been swirling in my brain the last twelve months. Her walls were firmly in place, but I suspected I would find out why soon enough.

Giselle pursed her lips into a thin line and walked away, but I closed the gap she desperately tried to put between us with one long stride.Fine. I could still do my job if she didn’t want to talk. I would ask Donovan the questions instead. If Giselle had a stick up her ass about my position with her, that was on her. Regardless of how rude she was, I took my assignments seriously—I took protecting a life seriously. I ignored the voice in my head assuring me that, no matter how professional I wanted to be, Giselle Lambert would be a thorn in my side.

Giselle stiffened, her shoulders visibly tense as I followed her into the large, marble-floored foyer and up the wide staircase. A hint of a soft, floral perfume tickled my nose as I walked behind her. Goddamn, she was beautiful. My attention traveled up her toned legs, sculpted ass, and slender shoulders. Wisps of hair escaped her bun as she hurried down the hall. She was clearly a woman with a purpose, and I wanted to find out more about her in spite of myself. Even if we hadn’t started on a positive note, I was intrigued by her beauty.

I realized that the ornate wood banister curved to the left and quickly counted eight additional rooms located on that floor, then made a mental note to ask Donovan to show me the rest of the house and property later so I could understand the full layout. At this point, it was evident that Giselle hadn’t planned on doing anything other than escaping me. Still on her heels, I caught up with her just in time for her to slam a door in my face.

“Boundaries, bodyguard!” she yelled.

I blew out a sigh and parked myself in the hallway.

Shit.Pierce and Donovan had made it clear that I was to stay with her at all times, even while she was home. It wasn’t uncommon for me to stick close, but not giving her even a little bit of privacy was a bit over the top. When I had objected, Pierce reminded me that Donovan and the rest of her family feared she might attempt suicide again. I wanted to object, explain there was a big-ass difference between a bodyguard and a glorified babysitter. I knew better, though. Pierce had mentioned his instincts were telling him something was off about the situation and that was why he sent me in.

I had raised my fist to knock on the door when footsteps caught my attention.

“She’s not on board with the idea of you being here, Zayne. My apologies.” Donovan toyed with his cufflinks, not meeting my gaze.

I lowered my hand. “Does she know why I’m here?” There wasn’t any reason to bullshit him.

“She knows. The family is concerned about her safety and mental health. We want her alive. Is that too much to ask?” Donovan folded his arms across his chest, pinning me with an intense stare and clearly playing the alpha male role.

I swallowed the words that danced on the tip of my tongue, then said, “I’m not a therapist.”

Donovan chuckled. “I’m well aware of who you are.” He shoved a hand in his pocket, the corner of his mouth kicking up into a dry smile. “Army Ranger honored for the most kills in combat while you served, savior to the many women and children you rescued from the enemy, loyal friend. Unmarried, and close to Holden Alastair and his group.”

A chill slithered down my spine as a strong distaste for Donovan brewed to life inside my chest. Wealthy clients always wanted to know about the bodyguards they hired, but this prick had just shoved it in my face that he’d checked on me. “My life is an open book. Seems to make my clients more at ease.” But some secrets would remain buried. I’d ensured it with the help of Pierce, Vaughn, and Sutton.

Donovan knocked. “Open up, Giselle.” A heartbeat of silence, then the sound of her doorknob turning caught my attention.

The door cracked open and hazel eyes sparking with hatred peered out at the two of us. “You’re being ridiculous, Donovan.”

A hint of a European accent clung to her words. I hadn’t noticed it before, but then again, she’d been in control of her emotions when we were introduced. Not so much at the moment.

Donovan shoved the door open, grabbed her arm, and forcibly pulled her into the hall. The hair on the back of my neck bristled as I held myself back from knocking him to the floor with a quick punch to his fucking nose. Giselle didn’t deserve to be treated that way. Fuck, no one did.

“Apologize for being rude.” Donovan stared down at her with a smile, but it sure as hell wasn’t a kind and genuine one.

Giselle glanced at me, her gaze cold and void of emotion. “I’m sorry for wanting some space.”

I would have chuckled at her insincere apology, but Donovan dug his fingers into her flesh, and a whimper escaped her.

My hands clenched into fists, itching to put a dent in his face. Pierce’s earlier suspicions thumped me on the head and reminded me that if I stepped in now, I would blow any chance of learning more. I gritted my teeth, promising myself that I would deal with the son of a bitch later. Getting rough with a woman was on my shit list, and if this little prick was treating her this way in front of me, I wondered what was occurring when no one was around. One thing was for sure, Donovan had garnered my attention, and I would find out what was really happening here. Unfortunately, I had my orders to stay out of shit, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t defuse the situation.