Page 24 of Love & Betrayal

“Honestly, you’re not the first famous person we’ve been hired to protect. We’re close friends with a band, and the guys guard the members when they travel.”

My eyes traveled to Zayne’s, and a jolt of heat shot through me, reminding me that I was still alive. Donovan hadn’t taken everything from me, including my growing attraction to the man in front of me. As hard as I tried to fight my growing feelings, Zayne was working his way into my heart. “Oh? That would be way more interesting than traipsing around shopping with me.”

“We both know there’s more to it.” He shifted his weight, his attention trained on me like a bird dog on its prey.

“I have to agree that most clients don’t track and bug their bodyguard’s car. It’s strange that Donovan would do so. Do you know why?” Sutton asked.

I mustered up an innocent shrug. No way would I admit the truth. “I have no idea.”Liar!

“Since you told Zayne, I’m going to go out on a limb and trust you, Giselle. Don’t make me regret it.”

Straight and to the point. How could I not like Sutton? “I won’t.” She had no idea how much I needed her bodyguard. Baby steps, though.

“Where do you go most often? The gym? Mall? Friend’s house?”

“I don’t have friends, so that last one’s a no.”

Surprise flitted across Sutton’s features, but she didn’t pry. I finally saw that she held an iPad in her hand when she flipped it open and began typing as I talked.

“I shop here, go to the gym, not many other places. Most of what I need is at home.” A lump formed, clogging my throat.Becausehome is a prison. I coughed, attempting to pull myself together.

“Favorite restaurants?” Sutton asked.

Finally, we managed to come up with the top ten places I frequented, including my favorite grocery and wine store. Zayne remained silent but alert to any cars driving in or out of the garage.

“Okay, I’ve programmed the scrambler to show that you’re in one of those areas when you’re actually not. You have a hundred-mile radius, so if you want to have a picnic or hike, then you’ll be fine. This should give Donovan what he wants without tracking you and Zayne. Do not have any important conversations in the car, though. If I tamper with the listening device, Donovan will know. Can I see your phone?”

I fished it out of my purse and handed it to her. After a few minutes, she gave it back to me. “I’ve connected your phone with the scrambler as well so he can’t track you that way, just in case he has in the past. I didn’t see any signs that he’d tampered with it, but moving forward you should be okay. Besides, you’re at the mall, so it wouldn’t have alerted him that anything was off. A listening device could be a hidden app, though, so I’m not going to look for one since we can’t do anything about it.”

“Thank you.” Tears pricked my eyes, and I looked away. I sank my teeth into my lower lip, realizing for the first time that I was free to go where I wanted without consequences.

Kindness filled Sutton’s gaze, and I resisted the urge to throw my arms around her and hug her. I wasn’t sure how she’d cracked my walls so fast, but she had. Allowing me to make at least some choices for myself again was a huge gift. In fact, fuck shopping. I knew exactly where I needed Zayne to take me.



Pissed didn’t even cover what I felt for Donovan. The motherfucker was off the charts controlling and visions of pummeling him until he was a bloody mess on the floor flooded my thoughts.

At least I had Sutton, who was a godsend with her technical knowledge. The girl was a fucking genius.

“Zayne, I’ll talk to you later. I need to run a few errands, then get back to the house. If you have any more problems, let me know. Giselle, it was nice to meet you.” Sutton closed her iPad cover, signaling she was ready to leave.

For the first time, a genuine smile graced Giselle’s lips and my pulse stuttered. Over the short time I’d worked for Donovan, I understood that Giselle wasn’t happy, but when she’d smiled and chatted with Sutton, I saw a peek of the woman hiding, and she was ravishing. I couldn’t pull my gaze away from her.

“Zayne?” Giselle’s voice reached me, breaking my trance.


“I need to make sure I understand. Sutton installed a scrambler that will basically lie to Donovan about where the car is, correct?” Giselle nibbled on her lower lip while she waited for my response. “I’m free?”

I was glad that my sunglasses hid my reaction to her question.Has she been monitored every second that she’s lived with Donovan? Maybe even earlier?

I kept my voice steady as I answered, even though I had to clench my fist so she wouldn’t see that my hands were trembling with fury. “Correct. You can go wherever you like in or around Spokane without him knowing.”

A combination of fear and excitement lit up her hazel eyes.

“Can you take me somewhere then? But Zayne, you can’t tell Donovan. Please.” Fear flashed across her face.