Page 2 of Love & Betrayal

Although Pierce and Sutton’s contemporary style home in Canada was smaller than their log house in Spokane, Washington, it still had its own elegant charm. The dark wood floors contrasted with the stone fireplace and beige walls, the kitchen was large enough to easily accommodate all of us when we visited, and the four bedrooms allowed everyone to stay here instead of renting a condo we would rarely inhabit. I wasn’t even sure how it had all fallen into place, but one day Pierce announced he’d found us a place to live. Since then, Vaughn, Claire, and I had lived with them when we were in Canada. Back in the States, Claire and Vaughn had their own house, but I packed and moved wherever there was a bed available. I hadn’t put down roots again since high school … since her.

“Just getting ready to go back home for my next assignment.” I stretched my long legs in front of me, then shifted my weight on the couch, searching for a more comfortable position. Although I loved visiting Pierce and Sutton’s place, I was eager to return to Washington.

“Shit, I want Claire and me to stay here forever. It’s peaceful, and I’m not constantly on high alert. In the States, where people know where we live …” Vaughn stared at me, a hint of fear flickering in his intense gaze.

I looked at my longtime friend. “I know, man. Dillon Montgomery has a long reach.” Although Montgomery Senior was in prison for sex trafficking and the rape of minors, his son Brandon had made one hell of a fucked-up return into our lives when he’d had his little bitches crash Hendrix and Gemma’s wedding. It had left scars on all of our hearts.

Vaughn rubbed his stubbled chin, then placed the remote on the arm of his chair. Even though I’d known him since high school, his heterochromia still occasionally caught me off-guard. His mismatched eyes weren’t a common occurrence, so it was easy to forget until he looked at you. I absently wondered what eye color his and Claire’s baby would end up with.

My phone chimed, and I leaned forward to fish it out of the back pocket of my jeans. I tried to suppress the smile that pulled at the corner of my mouth when I saw my notification, but it was useless.

Vaughn snapped his fingers, then pointed at me. “Gotta be Brynn. No one else makes your lips do that funny thing.”

“It’s called a smile, asshole.” I returned to the message that lit up my screen. I’d met Brynn through my work at the company her friends owned, and I was eager to see her again.

Can’t wait to see you when you return.

I heard light footsteps enter the room. “Hey, guys.” Sutton strolled to the wingback chair, settled in, and rested her hand on top of her pregnant belly. “What are you two grinning about?” Her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.

“Z-man has it bad for Brynn.” Vaughn tilted his head in my direction.

Before I addressed Vaughn and his overactive mouth, I texted Brynn.

Same. Not sure when I’ll be free, but I’ll let you know.

I glanced up from my cell and shot him a pointedfuck youlook. “We’re friends,” I grumbled, staring at the screen like a teenager in love as I waited for Brynn to respond.

“Keep feeding yourself that line of shit.” Vaughn chuckled, clearly enjoying fucking with me.

Sutton crossed her legs and drummed her fingers on her jean-clad thigh. “So, you started as Holden’s bodyguard six months ago, then became River’s, then fell for one of their best friends?”

“It’s not like Brynn was a fucking client.” I set my phone in my lap, irritated with the line of questioning. I hadn’t broken any rules, unlike Vaughn when he’d fallen in love with Claire. But Brynn … my cock stirred as I recalled her blue eyes and legs for days. Brynn’s confidence was quiet, but from what I’d overheard from Chance and Jace, she was wild in the bedroom. One thing was for sure: I was ready to find out.

Sutton’s blue-eyed gaze narrowed briefly with concern. “Hon, you know that Chance is in love with her, right?”

Sutton might as well have thrown a brick at my head and knocked me out.How the hell had I missed that?I massaged the back of my neck, wracking my brain for the clues I’d missed. But I was mostly with Holden, River, and Brynn. I hadn’t spent as much time with Jace and Chance. Plus, when Brynn had gotten sick …

A sharp pain ricocheted through my chest. She and Chance had spent weeks in Portland with doctors, which meant I hadn’t been in their space during those weeks. I didn’t see the two of them interact often during that time. I swallowed over the tightness in my throat, then reminded myself that at least Brynn was all right now.

“Jace and Chance are both very close with Brynn. It probably looks like more than it is.”I could only hope.It wasn’t my place to tell the world their business concerning the kind of relationship they did or didn’t have, so I kept my mouth shut.

“Zayne, I haven’t seen you excited about someone in a while, and I want you to find a special someone who deserves you.” Sutton leaned forward, her gaze burning a hole through me. Sutton and I had been friends for years, and she always managed to disarm me with the intensity of a single look.

Rubbing my chin, I realized I’d better listen up. Sutton had always wanted what was best for me. Hell, Pierce and Vaughn, too. We weren’t blood-related, but they were my family. After I left the military, Pierce hooked me up with a security job in his dad’s company. When Pierce lost his father, he’d inherited the business. Once Sutton entered his life again, she had a safe place to use her hacking skills for good and Westbrook Security became one of the top companies in the industry.

I blew out a sigh and folded my arms across my chest. I probably wasn’t going to be too keen about what Sutton had to say.

“After River returned home, we got together a few times. River didn’t go into detail, just that Brynn was physically doing well, but she was concerned about her emotional healing. River mentioned that Chance was in love with Brynn, but that she wasn’t interested in settling down yet. She wanted to play, which …” Sutton tossed her hands up in a shrug. “I get it. I would do the same.” Sutton tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, compassion coasting across her face. “River thinks Brynn is deflecting and is in denial about how she feels about him.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.Although I ensured my stoic expression remained intact, my heart dropped to my toes and flipped me off on its way down.

“Chance, Jace, Holden, and Brynn are like us. They’ve been best friends for years.” I laced my fingers behind my head, glancing at Vaughn. Disappointment had registered across his features as he adjusted the waistband of his black basketball shorts. He knew how hard it was to find someone to settle down with in our line of work.

“That’s another reason I think you should back off, Zayne. You’re a grown man and can do what you feel is right, but I would hate to see you get hurt. I don’t think Brynn would intentionally drag you into the middle, but it sounded as though there’s more than just friendship between her and Chance. At least, more than you may think.” Sutton leaned back in her chair.

Shit.My brow quirked slightly. “Those guys are my friends. The only ones I have outside of our group. Don’t worry, I won’t step on Chance’s toes or make it difficult for Brynn to figure out who she wants. I’ll come up with a reason to gently back away from dating her. She’s been through enough, and I don’t want to lose her as a friend, either.”

I knew I had to do the right thing and move out of the picture. Besides, if Brynn was into Chance, I would only be delaying the obvious and dragging my own heart through the mud. No thanks.