Page 11 of Love & Betrayal

Puzzled, I released Brynn and smiled. “You look well. How are you feeling?”

“Good. All the tests have been clear so far.” She knocked her knuckles on the wooden bar top. “That’s a part of my life I would love to leave behind forever.” She slid into her seat, and I sank into the one beside her.

“No shit. I want all that insanity to be over as well.” I raised my finger, flagging the bartender and gave her my drink order.

“Food and alcohol are on the house for you, by the way.” Brynn placed her hand over mine and squeezed it. “It’s really good to see you.”

Instead of her touch making my dick jump to attention, there wasn’t anything at all. No spark of attraction, no heat, just a caring friendship.What in the hell is happening? Just a few days ago, I’d had every intention of starting a relationship with her, but once Sutton had talked to me and then I saw Giselle again ... Inwardly, I hung my head. When I had first found out Giselle was married, I had buried all the attraction and intrigue she stirred in me. Married or otherwise, committed women were off my radar, but Giselle’s circumstances had changed.

Glancing down the bar, I realized it was packed. “You, too. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I’m excited to hang out with everyone while I’m here. I just don’t know how much time I’ll have around this new job.”

The bartender slid a drink to me, and I wrapped my hands around the frosty beer mug, the chill offering something else to focus on other than returning to Giselle. To my surprise, I was looking forward to seeing her again.

It can’t happen, dude.That inner voice was a little bitch, but I knew it was correct. I had to keep my interest in check while I was Giselle’s bodyguard. I saw how that shit went down with Claire and Vaughn when they were hiding their relationship, and I didn’t want to fuck up the same way.

Good luck with that.

Brynn leaned closer to me, then said, “What is it, Zayne?”

I gazed at her, giving her a gentle smile. Brynn had made it clear that she was interested in more, and this conversation wouldn’t be easy. I leaned back in my chair, feeling like an ass because I was about to tell her nothing would happen.

She held up her hand. “Wait. We need to have this conversation somewhere else.” She collected her cocktail and slid off the barstool.

I joined her, and she led me to the elevator. Without a word, she hit the penthouse button, then took a sip while she stared at the wall.

The chime alerted us that we’d reached our destination. Brynn stepped out and continued down a hall until we neared an exit. I’d been in the new 4 Play only a few times, but I knew all the ins and outs well.

I grabbed the bar on the door of the rooftop entrance and pushed it open for Brynn. Spotting a large rock to the left, I secured it between the door and frame, stopping it from closing. It might sound crazy, but it just made me feel better. Maybe I’d watched too many movies when I was younger where some dumbass got stuck on the roof during subzero temperatures.

Brynn strolled across the open area, then sat on the brick wall that allowed a full view of downtown Spokane.

She patted a spot, and I sat beside her. The inky black sky was filled with twinkling stars, and the scent of summer air riding in on the river made me smile as it brought back fun memories with Pierce, Vaughn, and Sutton when we were younger. A siren broke the silence, and I watched as the police cars headed north.

“I didn’t want us to have to yell at each other. I thought this would allow us to talk.” Brynn tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “What were you saying at the bar?”



Icleared my throat, appreciating the warm early summer breeze and daring myself to own my truth. Brynn and I were friends first and foremost, and we were in similar situations. “There’s someone else.”

A weary expression ghosted over her beautiful face. “I don’t understand.”

Her question was fair, and I wanted an open and honest conversation with her. She deserved to know.

“You, Holden, River, Jace, and Chance are the only good friends I have outside of work. I mean, Hendrix, Cade, Gemma, and Mackenzie are included in that group, too, I guess, but I can’t afford to lose any of them.” I chuckled. “I’m smart enough to realize that true friends are hard to find.” I placed my hand over my chest. “They’re family.”

She nodded, attentive.

“What’s the other reason, Zayne? We’ve flirted with each other, texted for months, it felt like we were both ready to giveusa chance.”

I winced at her choice of words.

Her brow arched slightly. “Oh … you know about Chance?”

I nodded. “Yeah. What you have with Jace and Chance is special. I think you need some time to heal and figure out what you want, but if there’s even a remote possibility that you’re in love with Chance … you owe it to yourself to find out. You and Chance are my friends, and I care about both of you. I can’t be the thing that stands in the way of happiness.” I paused, trying to sift through my feelings around my situation as well. “Also, about a year ago, there was someone that I was interested in, but the timing was off. Her situation has changed, and soon I might be able to explore what that looks like. Who knows? What I'm suggesting to you may end up being what I need to do as well."What if Giselle doesn’t care about you in return?I told my brain to shut the fuck up, I was aware of the limits. I was her bodyguard. She was my job.

Brynn’s blue eyes glistened, and she stared out over the city. “I do love Chance. I love Jace and Holden, too. They’re my people and I can’t imagine ever living a day without them. River is the best female friend I’ve ever had. Hell, I’m a little bit in love with her too.” Brynn peeked at me, giggling. “She’s just taken, so all I’ve gotten is a goodbye kiss when I thought I wouldn’t see her again.”