Page 17 of Give Me Forever

"What are you two chatting about?" Gran asked, walking up to us. She had a familiar look in her eyes, and I knew she had my back. She could read me like an open book.

"Boys," Paisley said nonchalantly.

Gran didn't seem surprised in the least. "I see. My advice wasn't helpful?" she asked politely.

I felt like I’d stepped into a science-fiction movie.

"It was, but I think I also need a male perspective on this, and everyone else is so old."

I looked over my shoulder at my brothers huddled around the grill. I had to find a way to warn Tate while also not breaking Paisley's confidence. My brother had to know what was coming for him; otherwise, he'd be completely blindsided.

I soon found my angle. I was going to talk to Lexi first.

"I'm going to help everyone over by the grill. Gran, Paisley, you need anything?"

"No, no, we're both fine," Gran said. "It's good having you back home, Sam."

Heading back to the grill, I eyed Lexi. I needed to work my way into this.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

She looked at me in surprise. "Sure." She was holding two pieces of chicken on her plate. I looked at it intently.

"Okay, that one needs to go back on the grill. It's still too pink."

Lexi smiled. "Yes, I saw that. That's why I wasn't eating it. And you were making fun of Tate. Pot and kettle, aren't you?"

"I'm a doctor," I replied. "And a man as well. I guess overprotectiveness comes with the territory. And speaking of overprotectiveness..." I glanced at Paisley and then back at Lexi.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to her?"

"No, the overprotectiveness is toward my big brother."

"What are you talking about?"

"I have a feeling he's going to be blindsided.”

Lexi lowered her plate, looking at me intently. "Sam, you’re scaring me."

"Paisley's talking about boys."

"Oh yeah, I know," she said as nonchalantly as Gran.

"And this is fine?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"She's eleven."

"She just turned twelve."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry. Yes, twelve."

"Of course she's curious. I'm surprised she told you."

"She said she wants the male perspective." I looked over my shoulder. Fortunately Tate wasn't in earshot.

He was going to find out about it sooner rather than later, but I was determined not to be the one who conveyed the news.