Maisie and Bonnie had both been suspiciously quiet, but I didn’t have the patience to deal with Bonnie’s shit, so I turned my focus to my girl Maisie. “How are wedding plans coming along, Maze?”

She perked up at the topic of conversation, a bright smile lighting up her face. “Slow but I’m making progress.” Her gaze turned hesitant and wary as she slid a glance to a sullen Bonnie.

“Actually Kat, I wanted to ask if you wouldn’t mind helping me out? You’re better at all this fancy wedding shit.”

Sadie laughed. “It’s your wedding honey, you pick what will make the day most memorable for you. Virgil only cares that the day ends with you as his wife.”

Bonnie’s derisive snort drew an ice-cold look from Sadie, who surprisingly said nothing.

“I know, but I’d like some input. I always wanted it to be me and my girls doing the planning,” she sighed, “but with everything going on it’s been mostly a solo effort.”

And judging by her glaring silence, Bonnie was being an unhelpful asshole. Bitch. I didn’t know what her deal was, but I planned to find out soon. Like I didn’t already have enough on my plate.

“I didn’t realize that was a thing, but I’m happy to offer my expert advice on your wedding.” I smirked and Maisie’s smile widened.

“Thanks. Smart ass.”

“Precisely why you need my advice.”

She flipped me off and I laughed because, damn it was nice to have a sister.

“To Maisie and Virgil for giving us another reason to celebrate!”

“Cheers to that shit,” Madison said with a grin and finished off her glass of wine. “Sadie, dinner was great, but I’m gonna try to get a nap in before tonight’s card game.”

She walked out of the dining room with a bounce in her step that told me she was doing better than when she’d arrived. Her scars had healed, mostly, and she was showing more signs of life, despite the uncertainty about her sister.

“She seems to be doing well,” Maisie observed when Madison was gone.

“She is,” Sadie agreed. “That haunted look is still there, but it will be until she has her sister back.”

“Maybe helping plan Bonnie’s baby shower will be another nice distraction,” Maisie offered with a cautious smile that pissed me off. Why should any of us be walking on eggshells for Bonnie, who couldn’t be bothered to act like she wanted to be part of the family?

“I don’t want a baby shower.” Bonnie’s words were quiet but there was a hint of steel in them that said she’d given this decision a lot of thought.

Maisie frowned. “Why not? This baby is a reason to celebrate.”

“I just don’t, Maisie. Is that all right with you?” The table fell silent at her outburst.

“Fine. Whatever.” The hurt that shone in Maisie’s blue eyes set my gut on fire.

“What’s with the bitchy fucking attitude lately, Bonnie? If you don’t want to be a part of this family, you know where the door is.”

Sadie might be willing to let her behavior go since she was carrying an Ashby child, but I wouldn’t.

She looked up, feigned hurt in her eyes that I didn’t give a fuck about. “I just don’t want a baby shower,” she snapped.

“Don’t worry, none of us want to celebrate a fucking thing with you anyway.” I snorted in disgust and took a sip of wine, refusing to let Bonnie ruin my night. “There’s a boutique that just opened up in Mayhem, Maze, we can look there for dresses. Maybe you want to invite your aunt?”

She perked up at that idea and nodded. “Send me the details and I’ll set something up.” Her excitement was palpable, and I couldn’t help but love a girl who was so eager to marry one of my lug head brothers.

I picked up my phone and shot over the details with a smile. “Done. Oh, and you should talk to the casino event planner, Lana. Even if you don’t want her help, she can give you all the good places to go for all your wedding needs.”

Maisie laughed. “You sound like a commercial for the casino.”

“Job hazard.”

“Are we all just gonna pretend like another priest didn’t get murdered?” Bonnie’s question was angry and dark and came out of nowhere.

Sadie sighed with more patience than I knew she possessed and put her fork down. “Would you like to talk about it, Bonnie?”

She shrugged; gaze fixed on her plate. “What’s there to say?”

“You brought it up,” I growled. “So fucking talk about it if you have something to say.”

“Did they find out who killed him?”

“No, but the police are investigating. If you have any information,” Sadie said slowly, “I’m sure they would welcome the help.”

Shit. That was a dare wrapped up in a threat if I’ve ever heard one. Bonnie had better tread carefully.

“What would be the point? They probably won’t find anything,” she shot back angrily. “Or will they?”