And that’s how it went on Tuesday and Wednesday. A silent war between us. Terry was determined to get me to accept that Jasper was a legitimate reason that we couldn’t be together.

I refused, just as he refused to acknowledge that I was a grown ass woman who was perfectly capable of making my own decisions about who I had sex with, who I dated, and who I fell for. No matter how stupid it was.

When Thursday rolled around, Terry was feeling playful. “You plan to ignore me forever, Kat?” he said with a tease in his voice. But I wasn’t there.

It was just another sign that he didn’t care as much as I did. And that stung. Men seem to only care when their dick was hard, then they go back to their business of not caring.

“I’m not ignoring you, Terry. I am reverting back to our previous relationship. Just like you wanted.”

He’d insisted on lunch at The Bistro, during which we’d been silent and tense. Hell, it was pure torture and even Leander’s flirting couldn’t bring me out of my funk.

Later, he leaned on the top of the car. “It’s not what I want, Kat.” I yanked the door open and sat in the passenger seat.


Since this conversation was getting us nowhere, I pulled out my phone to return a few emails and put out some corporate fires that should have been moved back to Jasper’s plate and would have been, if we weren’t still hunting down Ravager.

Terry shut the engine off, and I reached for my purse, prepared to head right to the elevator and back to my office, where I could work in tense silence for the rest of the afternoon.

But when I looked up, we weren’t at the Black Stallion. We weren’t even in Glitz, but a cozy little boutique hotel in downtown Mayhem.

“I want you, Kat. I want you more than I realized I wanted you, until I had you.”

“You want to fuck me,” I clarified angrily even as my nipples tightened to peaks and my clit throbbed in anticipation of the next hour. Maybe two.

“That’s not all I want, but it’s a damn good start.”

He’s not being honest with himself. Terry wasn’t a cruel man by nature, so I knew he had to be lying to himself. This relationship could never be more than sneaking around, which meant it could never be more than sex. Really great sex, though.

“It’s all we have, and I guess I’m fine with that.” At least I was trying really hard to be fine with it, and by the time we were locked inside the floral decorated room and tearing each other’s clothes off, I was more than a little fine with it.

On Friday, I booked a reservation at a little inn on the outskirts of Vegas and by the time we returned to my office after lunch, a little flush and a lot satisfied, I knew that just like Terry, I was also lying to myself.

It wasn’t enough.

It never would be when it came to this man.

I wanted all of him, and everything that came with it.



When Sunday rolled around, I was not prepared, at least not mentally, for Sunday Dinner at Ashby Mansion. Thoughts of Kat invaded my brain and I couldn’t stop thinking about her, not that I had time to erase her from my mind when we’d spent Thursday and Friday getting lost in each other.

But nothing compared to yesterday because I had four full hours to explore her beautiful body, to make her come, and to hear her scream my name. But the best part, and I knew it made me sound like a pussy, was having her in my arms while we watched some stupid comedy on the hotel television.

I was a fucking idiot for letting it continue, but the thought of Kat hating me, of thinking that I didn’t want to be with her when I wanted it—badly—didn’t fucking sit well with me. At all. The whole situation had disaster written all over it, but the problem was, when Kat was around, I didn’t give a damn. I couldn’t think of anything but her and how much I wanted her.

The family settled around the dinner table, including Emmett and Madison. “How’s Kat?” Jasper, sitting next to me, leaned in and whispered the question to avoid drawing attention from the others.

“She’s fine,” I grunted. “You know Kat, resilient as ever.”

“You find anything on the sister, yet?” His question had an edge to it, and I turned to look at my best friend. He was concerned, nothing more, but the fact that I thought it could be more, meant I was fucked. Eventually, I knew he’d find out.

I shook my head. “Nothing concrete,” I told him quietly, turning my head away from Madison. She missed nothing. “Just a bunch of loose ends, so far.”