My hands balled into fists and I had to control my anger because Emmett didn’t need this. Not now. Hell, he probably had his own fucking anger. “Shit.”

“I know,” he grinned. “That shot stunned me and took me to my knees, but his first two jabs were weak, and I got back to my feet, landing a cross and a kick to the ribs.”

“Sounds like shit was working in your favor. What happened?”

“That big fucker bull rammed me to the ground and then got on top of me. He landed blow after blow and you know,” he motioned to his face. “You can see the rest for yourself. It was a hell of a fight. Street fighter. Fucker had good reflexes and instincts. If I’d been watching him fight, I would’ve offered to train him.”

That was typical Emmett, able to find a silver lining in the darkest fucking cloud. “It’s a good thing I’m the hot one,” I joked, trying to lighten things up before I busted something. “Because those bruises are hideous.”

The bruises on his face had already started to fade but I could tell the body shots still caused him pain.

“That’s okay, I’m the smart one,” he said and flashed a halfhearted smile. “So smart that even though I didn’t get a look at his face while he pounded mine into the pavement, I saw that he was a white guy. Around six feet, about two-twenty, two-twenty-five. Drove off in an SUV…no wait, he didn’t drive off. He jumped in the passenger seat of a gray or silver SUV.”

“You remember a lot more than I expected you to.” I jotted down his description in one of those note-taking apps and turned back to my brother.

“The bruises are healing nicely but you should take the time off that Sadie offered.” A few weeks away from the gym might be good for him. “A trip to the ocean might be nice.”

Emmett shook his head and let out a snort that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. “It wasn’t an offer so much as an order, which I’m used to. Hell, I might end up on babysitting duty too,” he joked. “But at least I’ll know why. Sort of. Kind of.”

I knew what he was getting at, and I wasn’t bothered by it at all.

“Who the fuck else is Jas gonna trust to keep an eye on her?” Virgil was just as capable, but he couldn’t control Kat. Neither could I, but she wasn’t my sister.

Thank God for small favors.

Emmett’s smile softened and he shrugged. “The person who loves her the most. Obviously.”

I barked out a laugh and smacked my palms together.

“Maybe you hit your head a little too hard, baby brother.” There was no way in hell Jasper knew how I felt about Kat. I’d kept it to myself all these years, too afraid to test the bonds of our friendship by revealing it.

“Yeah, maybe I did,” he nodded. “Or maybe I just see you. And Kat too.”

“Maybe,” I conceded. “Probably because it’s past time for you to find a girl to spend your time with.”

“Right back atcha, Ter.” Emmett stood and turned towards the window with a sigh. “Be safe out there.”

“Always am,” I told him and left my brother alone with his thoughts.

Jasper and Sadie would be happy to hear I got more details from Emmett about the fucker that fucked him up, so I made my way back down to the main floor, bypassing the empty dining room and headed straight for the sitting room where they’d all gathered around Kat.

“Hey,” I said when I found her alone, lying on the sofa.

“Hey yourself. You here to babysit?” Her lips curled into a teasing grin and she patted the empty spot beside her.

“Nope. I didn’t come for you at all, actually.”

“Bummer,” she said with a hint of mischief in her blue eyes. “It’d be so much cooler if you did.”

“I think it’s time to stop calling you Kitty Kat,” I began and she interrupted me with a loud, almost erotic, groan.

“Yes, please, thank fuck!”

“And start calling you Trouble, because it’s more accurate.”

Her laugh sounded again, sweet and husky as her hand fell on my thigh, leaving me frozen in shock as desire snaked through my veins.

“I’ll take it since you guys only started calling me that to piss me off.”

“Not true. It’s because you’re small but vicious.” Her smile softened and I had to ball my hands into fists to stop myself from reaching out to brush a finger down her silky skin.

“Okay, well, if you put it that way, it’s not so bad.”

Thankfully, my phone rang and stopped me from losing my goddamn mind. “Yeah?”

“It’s Cal. You got a minute?”

“Always.” I slid another glance to Kat and stood, walking away so she couldn’t hear whatever he had to say. “What’s up?”