“So, I bother you,” he asked and slipped behind the steering wheel with a teasing smile that sent a bolt of electricity through my entire body.

“You know you do,” I grumbled and slid into the passenger seat, focusing on my seatbelt rather than the problem of being so physically close to this man but no closer to making him mine.

“Sorry,” he said, not sounding sorry at all.

“Yeah, right,” I snorted and motioned for him to get the car moving. “Come on slow poke, we’re burning daylight.”

Terry barked out a laugh that startled me. “Damn, woman, you sound so much like your old man sometimes, I have to look behind me to make sure he’s not looking over my shoulder.”

His words brought a smile to my face. My dad was a son of a bitch most of the time but he was smart as hell when it came to most things. Things, at least, that didn’t involve gambling.

“Thanks. I think.”

“Oh, it’s a definite compliment. Your old man had his flaws, but he was a character and he knew people.”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “He really did. Except for that one fucking blind spot,” I growled, thinking of how often we’d hosted priests and other church elders for dinners, fundraisers and the like.

Terry’s grip tightened on the steering wheel and his jaw muscles clenched so hard I thought I’d be able to hear the grinding of his teeth. He knew what I meant.

“Yeah well, that’s some mighty effective brainwashing they do and it’s fucking difficult to overcome.”

It was. “We managed fine. Eventually.”

His scowl vanished and, in its place, a smile bloomed. “It took us misfits some time, but yeah, we managed to deprogram ourselves.”

Both of us fell silent for a few miles, lost in thought about how our fucked-up childhoods had led us here.

“Now, Kitty Kat, let’s talk more about how much you’re hot and bothered by me.”

Laughter burst out of me so fast, I snorted. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”

“It’s all part of my charm, Kitty Kat.”

“Charm. Is that what you’re calling it these days?”

He gave an exaggerated nod and pulled into the underground parking garage with a smile. “Damn straight. You’re charmed, aren’t you?”

Yeah, I was, dammit. “Maybe. Keep trying and I’ll let you know when I’m fully charmed, Terry.”

His deep chuckle vibrated in the confines of the car, and I felt each reverberation deep in my belly and shooting out through my nipples. It was so bad I clenched my thighs and slammed my eyes shut to stop the wave of desire that flowed through me.

“You know what, Kat? I just might do that.”

Oh please, for the love of Irish whiskey, don’t let this man try to charm me further. I didn’t think I could handle it.

“I’ll be sure to hold my breath.”

Terry laughed again as he slid into my reserved parking spot and stepped out of the car, the sound he left behind nearly as potent as his scent.

“I don’t mind if you hold your breath, princess.” He smiled and held out a hand to help me from the car. “Blue is a great color on you from what I remember.”

Yeah, I shuddered at his compliment and the heat in his eyes, but I also brushed past him before I did something stupid like kiss him again. The elevator was stifling, his scent wrapped around me like a hug and I felt his gaze taking me in. “Stop.”

“I’m not doing anything.” His voice was pure sex and his lips quirked up into an amused grin. “Not. One. Damn. Thing.”

That’s what he said but the minute we were alone in my office, he dropped down on the sofa near the window and pulled out his phone, pretending to ignore me even though I felt his gaze aimed right at my legs.

“I can feel you staring, Terry.”

“Would you rather feel me touching you, Kat?”

Fuck me, why did his voice sound so much like warm honey?

“If I say yes, are you gonna run away and tell my brother on me?”

It was a nasty taunt but we both knew it was true. At least a little bit.

The heat in Terry’s blue eyes told me he wanted, more than anything, to come across my office and touch me. But either he thought I was a stuck-up rich bitch, or he was worried about Jasper.

Either way, the only person touching these legs anytime soon would be me.



Watching Kat in her element, working and bossing around everyone in sight was torture. Pure fucking torture but I loved every damn minute of it.

Maybe it was the black pantsuit that hugged her tits and ass, and damn, those thighs…were those pants painted on? She wore it because she thought it made her look like a badass, and it did, but Kat could wear a trash bag and still look like a badass.