“Fuck.” Cal let out a low, visceral growl from his spot beside Kat and smacked the edge of the table with enough force to make the silverware rattle. “Send me everything you’ve found and I’ll do more digging.” He looked at Jasper, who nodded his approval because that was how things worked in this family.

“Good job, Kitty Kat, but you need to stop digging. Now. It’s too dangerous,” Jasper said.

Kat’s eyes sparkled with fury as she shook her head. “Fuck that, Jas. As long as they’re staying at my hotel, I need to know what the fuck they’re doing and that means watching them. Closely. I won’t let them take some kid to fulfill their sick fucking desires, not on my watch. I just fucking…won’t, Jas. I won’t.”

At Kat’s emotional display, Jasper looked at Sadie and they held a silent, minute-long conversation before she nodded. I understood their hesitation, their worry. Given everything the Ashby boys and even my own fucking brother had gone through at the hands of the fucking Church, I knew why this mattered so much. And I would help in any way I could, especially if it meant keeping Kat safe.

“Fine,” Jasper finally conceded. “Terry will keep an eye on them as much as needed, which shouldn’t be much since you said they checked in alone.”

Kat nodded, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

“If they require more surveillance, he’ll let me know,” Jasper said, his gaze on mine to make sure I understood what was expected.

I nodded because there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep Kat safe. “I’m on it,” I assured Jasper, Sadie and Kat.

“Good,” Sadie said and stood. “I’m going to my room to relax. Good night.” After Sadie’s farewell, the rest of us stood, ready to go our separate ways for the night.

Cal left first, eager to return to his pregnant girlfriend, or whatever she was to him these days. Kat filled her glass with more whiskey and headed out of the dining room, to the huge guest house she’d been living in since she returned from college.

Jasper grabbed my arm when we were alone, nodding to the staff to give us a moment of privacy. “We both know Kat isn’t gonna let this go, especially after everything that happened to us. Add on what happened to Maisie and Bonnie, and she’s feeling very protective over the women in her life, which now includes those two girls. Keep her safe.”

This was a different version of Jasper, the one I’d only seen half a dozen times over our decades-long friendship. He was vulnerable. Afraid.

“Of course, I’ll keep her safe, man.”

He nodded. “I know you will. You’re the only one I can trust with her Terry.”

I nodded, accepting the compliment for what it was. His trust in me, my love for the Ashby family, was the main reason my feelings for Kat could never come to anything. Would never come to anything.

It would kill my relationship with Jasper. And the rest of the Ashby family, which was effectively, my family.

Which is why I still kept my feelings for Kat under wraps. Even after all these fucking years.



Fight Night rolled around faster than I expected it to, especially considering I’d been living and breathing this day for the past six months. Maybe longer.

And the day had arrived. Finally. Specifically, the night had arrived and the preliminary fights had just finished. So far, the night had been a raging success for House of Ashby fighters, Emmett, and anyone smart enough to bet on Ashby.

Sadie and Vanessa sat in the front row of the arena where the Ashby team could see they had full family support. Next to Vanessa was Jasper and then Maisie and Virgil. Cal was there with a reluctant Bonnie, who had her face buried in her phone.

And of course Terry was around here…somewhere. He’d been around all week, lurking under the guise of additional security but I knew what he was really doing. Watching me. I knew because everywhere I turned, there was that nearly white-blond crop of hair, so high above the average man because he wasn’t your average man.

Every damn corner I turned; there he was with those sparkling light blue eyes that always seemed to be in on a joke the rest of us weren’t privy to. Yeah, he was everywhere. Laughing. Looking at me in ways that did strange things to me. Smiling at me like he wanted to devour me.

And worst of all? Terry made me laugh, which only made me want things I shouldn’t.

Things I couldn’t have.

Things I didn’t have time to think about, especially not tonight.

“Ms. Ashby, they’re ready for you now.” I stood at the bottom of the steps that led to the octagon and gave the production assistant a nod. “Right this way.” He held an arm out automatically and I took it, taking careful steps so millions of people didn’t see me fall flat on my face.