I shrugged. “Who gives a shit? Tear every inch of Glitz apart until they find him. Casinos and card rooms, whore houses, clubs, and anywhere else he might have an ally or a place to hide.”

Brendan was hiding out somewhere, that much I knew. We just had to find out where.

“Do it. Can’t make things any worse.”

And that was exactly why I couldn’t let this thing with Kat go too far, because it was one more thing and that might be the thing that forced Jasper to do something reckless. Or worse.

“Anyone laid eyes on Ravager yet?”

Jasper shook his head and sucked back half of his beer. “Don’t even fucking get me started on that fucker.”

Frustration rolled off of him in waves. I felt bad for the guy, but it was the burden of being the man in charge.

Maureen sauntered over to our booth, her giant tits leading the way and her dimpled smile aimed right at Jasper. “Hey Boss Man, figured you might need this.” She set down two double shot glasses and a bottle of Black Barrel Jameson.

Jasper looked up, his gaze lingered on the strawberry blonde’s tits for just a moment before the disappointed slope of his brows told me he remembered she was twenty-two and his employee.

“Not that I don’t appreciate a good shot of whiskey, Maureen, but why do I need Jameson’s? Christ, don’t tell me you’re leaving.”

His tone and the pleading in his eyes said Jas couldn’t take another blow. Not today.

Maureen’s dimpled smile widened. “Like you could get rid of me that easily, handsome. I figured you must’ve heard by now.”

The amusement in her eyes dimmed as she nodded towards the TV mounted on the wall. “I guess not. Hang on.” Even in anger and frustration, his gaze lingered on her ass when she turned to grab the remote and unmute the TV.

That meant he wasn’t anywhere close to the breaking point. Yet.

Maureen cranked the volume on the TV closest to our table and Jasper groaned as the story aired.

“Parochial Vicar, deputy to beloved local priest Bishop Dietrich Mueller was found murdered earlier today in an alley off of Seventh Street and Liddell Avenue known for drugs, prostitution and crime. Authorities say robbery does not appear to be the motive as he was found with his wallet and valuables. Is this part of a recent crime spree or another hate crime against members of the clergy? Tanya Torres has more. Tanya?”

Jasper grabbed the Jameson’s with fire in his eyes. “Fuck me, this shit doesn’t end!” He pulled the cork on the bottle and poured until both glasses were filled to the brim. “Thanks Mo.”

“No problem. You boys want something to soak up the booze?” Her gaze bounced between us, a haunted look now in her eyes.

“Fish and chips with extra tartar for me, thanks Mo.”

She glared at me. “Mo now, am I, Ter?”

I shrugged. “Extra fries too. Maureen.”

“That’s better. And you Jasper, what’ll it be?”

“Just the stew of the day and biscuits. Lots and lots of biscuits. Please.”

Her lips quirked into an amused grin that Jasper missed and she shrugged. “Coming up soon. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I figured you wanted to know.”

“You did the right thing, and I appreciate it.”


As soon as Maureen was out of ear shot, Jasper turned to me with a look of disbelief on his face. “What the fuck?”

We both knew exactly what the fuck, or rather who. “Another dead priest isn’t exactly a reason to mourn. I’m just sad it’s not Mueller. That would make both our lives a little easier.”

“A lot fucking easier,” he growled. “But this is close enough to Mueller to be seen as a threat.” And the Ashby family was the only group brave enough to take that fucker on, and it was no secret in certain circles in Glitz.

It wasn’t a threat so much as it was a promise that more dead priests would turn up, and soon, until the matter was solved. Until then, every so-called man of God should be worried. “What do you want to do about it?”

“I want you to keep an eye on Kat. She’s not gonna like it, and she’ll probably fight you every step of the way, but I need you to keep her safe.”

“You know I will.” There was nothing I wouldn’t do for the Ashby family and Kat especially, but Jasper didn’t need to know that. He had enough shit on his plate as it was. “I’ll head over to Emerald Isle as soon as I finish my fish and fries.”

Jasper shook his head. “Another dead priest means the Feds will show their heads around again. And soon.”

And when law enforcement started digging around, they always found a reason to stick around until they found something to justify their digging.