“Sorry I’m late,” Kat said as she breezed into the dining room wearing jeans—again—that hugged her ass and long shapely legs. More distracting than the jeans, was the low cut pink top she wore that showed off more than a hint of cleavage. “Had some things to take care of.”

Sadie let out a huff of laughter. “That should be your theme song these days, sorry I’m late. We’ve been waiting.”

Said without anger or frustration, just a hint of amusement.

Kat froze, halfway to sitting and looked around the table with a frown. “’Scuse me. I don’t see Bonnie, either so it’s not just me holding up dinner.”

The decanter of whiskey was in her hand before her cute little ass hit the seat, pouring three oversized glugs straight into a wine glass.

“Bonnie isn’t feeling well,” Cal said defensively.

“Yeah, what else is new,” Kat mumbled loud enough for the whole table to hear. “Fine, I’m sorry. I have so much fucking work that I don’t even get a day to myself.”

The wine glass looked close to snapping at the stem with her white-knuckled grip and I wondered what had Kat so on edge.

“What’s up with her?” Jasper’s whispered question echoed in the room as the dining room door opened and the platters of food delivered to the table.

Before I could say a word, Kat jumped in. “Why don’t you fucking ask me what’s wrong, Jas, if you actually give a damn?” She held up a hand. “Never mind, I don’t care if you do. Or not.”

The room fell silent for a quick moment, but Sadie didn’t let tension linger at the dinner table, especially on Sundays.

“I spoke to Ronan this week, several times in fact, and I’m confident he had nothing to do with the attempt on Kat’s life.”

Madison gasped and looked at the woman she thought of as a hero.

“Are you all right?” She put a worried hand on Kat’s forearm and it was the first smile she flashed since she arrived.

“I’m fine. It happened a long time ago.”

“A week isn’t that long ago, Kat.” Virgil glared at his sister, worry and anger still swimming in his eyes. “If not Ronan, who?”

“Ten days,” Kat clarified, “give or take. And my money is on Mueller. He’s got a better, more pressing reason to come after me than Ronan.”

“Because of me and Molly?” For all her toughness and street smarts, Madison was shit at hiding her emotions. She wore her guilt all over her face.

“No, Maddie, it’s because he’s a piece of shit. Got it?”

Madison nodded but from the scowl on her face, she didn’t buy it.

Smart girl.

“I’ll take care of it,” Sadie declared with the air of a queen.

Jasper shook his head and sent a worried glare my way because we both knew what that meant.

“No Ma, I’ll handle it. Don’t get involved. Please.”

Sadie lifted a shoulder in acknowledgement of his words, but I didn’t miss the fact that she hadn’t actually agreed not to get involved.

“Let’s eat,” she said instead and picked up two slices of roast, gracing the table with an easy, maternal smile.

“What’s up with you man, you seem distracted?” Jasper was focused today, which meant he noticed every fucking detail, including the fact that I couldn’t focus. Not on anything but Kat, anyway.

“Nothing, man. Just…everything. Ravager. Emmett. Mueller. The Rhymers. Take your pick.”

“No fucking shit,” he growled and shook his head. “And we still have no line on who killed Lance. We’ll figure it out, though,” he said confidently.

“Of course, we will,” I agreed. One thing I knew was that we’d get to the bottom of everything. Eventually. We always did.

We were a damn good team, and the only way that would continue was for Jasper to never find out I was banging his sister. His kid sister. “We always do.”

Sadie placed her fork loudly on her plate and cleared her throat. All eyes swiveled to the head of the table as she announced, “Where is Savannah Rhymer? No one has seen hide nor hair of her. I find it worrisome.”

She was more than worried if she voiced her concerns out loud because that wasn’t Sadie’s style.

“I have an investigator,” Kat offered. “He’s damn good.”

Sadie looked interested, but Jasper shut it down. “I said I have it handled,” he growled.

“Obviously not or we’d know where she’s at. It’s time to use your digital skills to see if there’s been any trace of her, Cal. If she hasn’t found her way back to Ronan yet, she’s still out there on her own.”

Cal nodded and continued to chew his dinner. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Perfect. Let me know the moment you—”

Bonnie stepped into the room with a scowl on her face, “Calvin, I need you,” she said without bothering to offer a greeting for anyone at the table.

“Oh, look who decided to show up for dinner,” Kat said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “It’s Bonnie the bitch.” Her smile was more of a sneer, and I wondered what the hell that was about.