But he fooled me again. I thought he would make a move, but no, it was a fucking ruse to steal my keys.

“Whatever.” I felt stupid again, and that pissed me off. And when I was pissed, I became petty. As soon as the elevator doors opened, I yanked my keys from his hand and high-tailed it to my car.

“You can’t escape me that easily, Kat.”

To prove I was doing no such thing, I slid behind the wheel and changed the seat and mirrors to the pre-sets while I waited for him to get in the car. Just because Terry didn’t want me, didn’t mean I was dumb enough to put myself in danger simply because my ego was bruised.

It wasn’t the first time and since, apparently, I was terrible at learning lessons where this man was concerned, it probably wouldn’t be the last.

“Seat belt.”

Terry buckled up, and I made my way out of the parking lot and merged into traffic while I tried to gather my thoughts. There was no way I could lose him and now that he was suspicious, he wouldn’t leave my side for a second.

“You wanna tell me where we’re really going?”

Hell no, I didn’t want to tell him anything because I was still seething with anger. No, it worse than anger and worse than humiliation at his actions, that he would use my attraction to him to deceive me. It was…he was…just, fuck that.

I drove for more than an hour in absolute silence. Jaws clenched tight and a death grip on the steering wheel, I got started practicing that Terry Manning didn’t exist because as soon as we got back to Glitz, that would be my new reality.

“I guess your silence means we’re not talking?” Terry laughed like it was all some big damn joke, but I guess to him, it was. Or rather, I was the joke. “Fine,” he growled and pulled out his phone as if that was a threat that would work on me.

“Yeah, Jas. Kat’s driving us somewhere, don’t know where and she won’t say.”

A few seconds later, Jasper’s voice broke through the silence of the car. “What the fuck, Kat?”

“Your babysitter is with me so what the hell does it matter Jas? Just mind your own damn business.” I snatched the phone from Terry and tossed it in the back seat. “That goes for you too, you know? You’re here like Jas and Ma wanted, so just…shut the fuck up.”

He turned to me and I could feel the heaviness of his frown, his stare on the side of my face. “What in the hell did I do?”

“That is not shutting up,” I growled and hit the gas a little harder.

Terry’s hand landed on my thigh with more force than necessary and I had to swallow down a gasp. “You can be mad at me all you want, Trouble, but I don’t shut up for anyone. Not even you.”

“Unless you want a hole in your hand, I suggest you remove it. Or are you just trying to steal the keys again?”

Shocked, he pulled back and stared at me but I didn’t care that my thigh still throbbed from his touch, or that my panties were a little wet from the way he growled those words at me, so demanding. “Kat, I—”

“Save it, Terry. I don’t care.”

“Seems like you do,” he taunted, a teasing lilt to his voice.

“Then I guess we’re both good at pretending we give a damn.” And that was all I planned to say about anything resembling personal talk. “I’m going to Reno. I got a lead on Madison’s sister, Molly. She works there and rents a bed in one of the hostels.”

“That is not a good idea, Kat.” His voice was suddenly serious and sexy as fuck, but I was not deterred.

“I’m not asking. You’re welcome to stay in the car.”

“Fuck, Kat! We have enough shit to deal with. Why do you want to add more shit to the list? Ravager is in the fucking wind. He fucked up the fight, Emmett’s attack on Ashby property and we still don’t have an ID on that shithead. Plus, Madison. And some dickhead tried to run you down. Christ, woman, do you thrive on this kind of chaos?”

“Do you only do the right thing when Jasper or Sadie give you permission to do it?” It was a low blow, but I wasn’t wrong. And it hit its mark. “You have to be here but you don’t have to like it and you don’t have to help. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“All evidence to the contrary?”

“Fuck you, Terry. Let’s see how well you do against an old ass Chevy.” My grip tightened on the wheel. “I already said thanks for that save, but that doesn’t mean you can hold that shit over my head forever.”