“Because of the military thing?” The sun was shining bright and hot outside so I blasted the cool air and maneuvered out of the tight parking area.

“Some, sure. I mean they both carry themselves like they were professional, government-trained bad asses. But they both have this quiet strength that just makes you feel like you can trust them.”

“Is that why you offered so much money to send Emmett food?” I appreciated that she thought of my brother as one of her own, but the woman was a horrible negotiator.

“Yes and no. Emmett’s been down since the fight, and he won’t admit it. I figured some greasy food and someone to talk to might do him some good.”

I felt her gaze on my face as we drove through Glitz back toward the casino. “What are you thinking?”

That I want to find the nearest private spot and bury myself deep inside your sweet little cunt. “That your secret is safe with me, Kat.”

Her dark brows dipped low. “What secret? I don’t have secrets.”

“Sure you do. I won’t tell anyone that you’re actually a fuckin’ marshmallow. Not the big bad girl the world thinks you are.”

She was a lot nicer than she let on and I could see exactly why Madison trusted her.

“Take that back right now, Terry or…else.”

“Or else, what?” Dammit, I told myself, no more flirting with Kat until I decided she was worth risking everything.

“Or else…stop! Look!” I slammed on the brakes and stared at her.

“I’m driving, Kat.”

She let out a low, guttural growl and leaned in close so she could grab my chin in her hand and turn as she saw fit.

“Look. Over there. It’s fucking Ravager. Now go!”

I saw him as soon as she swiveled my head and I backed the car up slightly, ignoring all driving laws to make a sharp left.


“Are you kidding me? That fucker is lucky if I don’t cram these red-bottomed shoes up his big dumb ass!” Her gaze never left the big man. “Who is that he’s talking to?”

Before the car could come to a complete stop, Kat jumped out and stomped across the street toward the soon-to-be-dead fighter.

“Ravager, you fucking piece of shit! Where have you been?”

At the sound of her angry voice, he looked up with wide eyes and took off running. I was out of the car instantly, chasing his big ass down the street. Still, he was faster than he looked and long gone by the time I caught up to Kat, scowling with her designer heels dangling from her fingertips.

“You all right?”

“I’d be a lot better if I had my stun gun,” she said with a grumpy nod. “Did you see who he was talking to?”

I shook my head. “Just a flash of something. Do you know who it is?”

“No, but I have a few guesses,” she growled and the sound was both angry and erotic, a combination my cock couldn’t resist. Apparently.

“Care to share?”

“Not out here,” she said, eyes darting around in search of any familiar face. “At least we know the idiot hasn’t left town yet.”

She was gorgeous in her fury, stomping back across the street in bare feet, her red toenails glistening in the desert sun.

The next few seconds unraveled slowly as my gaze went from her killer legs up to the curve of her ass.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a nondescript black car and realized it had turned behind us at the corner, but the sound of the engine drew my attention away from Kat.

The car pulled away from the curb and slowly sped up before the squeal of the tires sent my heart beating out of my fucking chest.

“Kat, watch out!”

She turned to me with wide blue eyes and dove across the hood of the car less than a full second before the black car clipped her. “Shit!”

Her word came out on an agonizing crunch while I tried to take in every detail I could remember. Black. Chevy Blazer. 90’s. No plate. Missing passenger side mirror.

“Kat?” I rushed to where she was sprawled on the ground and picked her up in my arms. “You all right, Kitty Kat?”

She nodded and looked around the now empty street in search of clues.

“I think so, yeah. Thanks for the save.”

I didn’t need or want her thanks because I hadn’t protected her. “Don’t thank me. You fucked up your knee,” I told her when I laid eyes on the rip in her pants. “And your arm.”

Kat nodded, her hands shaking until I held them in mine. “Better than being crushed by a piece of shit Chevy. Barely better, but still.”

Her words in that moment, so ridiculous and so snarky, were typical Kat. Nothing ever got her down for long, and I couldn’t help my bark of laughter. “I’m sorry, Kat.”

“Don’t be Terry. You saved me from being crushed by a Chevy. How embarrassing would that have been?” She flashed a playful smile that I wished I could return, hell that I wanted more than anything to return, but I couldn’t.