Her voice was small and shaky, scared as hell and she should be. This time of year, the roadside motels weren’t doing steady business, which made it the perfect route for traffickers of any product, especially along this route where motel and hotel managers were happy to forego the need for IDs or legitimate bookings.

For the right amount of cold hard cash, they would do anything.

“Madison, this is Terry, Kat Ashby’s friend. I’m helping her find you. Can you see the name of the place?”

“Yeah, Pacific Palms Inn. Room 121.”

I entered the name into the fancy navigation system on Madison’s phone and my shoulders sank in relief.

“We’re not an hour from you. Stay in or close to the bathroom if you can, okay?”

“You’re gonna come for me?” Her voice was so damn small and vulnerable, like she was more than a kid. She was an innocent.

“Of course we are.”

“Oh, o-okay. Thank you.”

“Call back if you need to,” Kat told her and ended the call before she settled her gaze on me. “You can still drop me at a rental place, Terry.”

“You know I can’t do that. Besides, Emmett is fine. We’ll be back in plenty of time for me to fuck up the person responsible, personally.”

She shrugged. “Still.” The phone ringing in her hand startled a gasp from Kat and she laughed. “Yeah?”

Jasper’s voice came through the phone loud and clear even before she put it on speakerphone. “Good news is that Emmett didn’t go down without a fight. Whoever did this will have evidence of a professional beating all over his face.”

“Good, then I’ll know the piece of shit the minute I see him.” And my face would be the last thing the fucker ever saw.

Jasper chuckled. “Yeah, get in line man. Any news on the girl?”

Kat opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it, briefly updating him on the past few hours. “We’re heading to a motel near the border now.”

“Shit,” Jasper growled, knowing exactly what fate awaited her if we didn’t get there in time. “Stay safe and check in later. Emmett is sleeping, but when he’s awake I’ll call you back.”

I nodded, relieved to have all my brothers at my side right now.

“Thanks, Jas.”

“No problem, brother.” The call ended but that one word, brother, and the ease that he said it was another subtle reminder of why Kat was completely off limits.



Pacific Palms wasn’t too far from Searchlight and less than a mile from the freeway. My stomach lurched as we pulled into the cracked pavement of the parking lot, which perfectly matched the old and dilapidated structure that was held together with duct tape and glue.

“Exactly the shit hole I expected,” I told Terry and opened the door. The first rays of dawn threw a harsh light on the rundown building and parking lot.

“Perfect place to keep people out of your business,” Terry said quietly.

His words were terse, and I knew his thoughts were back in Glitz with Emmett.

“Luckily, I have a knack for getting people to tell me things they shouldn’t.”

His lips pulled into a semi-amused grin that I wanted to kiss because I knew he was here for me instead of back in Glitz.

“I have no problem believing that. I’ll take a quick look around and come back. Stay here, Kat.”

“I will,” I promised with a mischievous grin and slid out of the car.

“Kat,” he warned.

“I swear. Scout’s honor.”

Terry barked out an amused laugh. “You were never a Scout.”

“Details. The point is I’ll be right here. Waiting for you,” and carefully closed the car door. It felt like I’d been waiting for years for Terry to see me as a woman and not just Jasper’s annoying little sister.

“Good. Go on inside and work your magic, Kitty Kat,” he said through the window.

I flipped him off as I went inside, the sound of his laughter washing over me and my body tightening up in places it shouldn’t as he eased the car toward the end of the building.

The lobby was cleaner than I expected with bright white fluorescent lights that highlighted the decades old, yellowing floor tiles.

The sofa across from the reception area had seen better days, but when the clerk looked up, finally, I flashed my best Ashby smile. The one that got me just about any damn thing I wanted when I put my mind to it, like getting my MBA when Ma said it was stupid and unnecessary. Or learning Jiu-Jitsu when Virgil thought it was impractical in the age of high-powered weapons.

“Welcome to Pacific Palms,” the young kid deadpanned. “How may I help you this morning?”

“Hi. I’m looking for my kid sister, and I’m wondering if you’ve seen her traveling through here?” The kid had to be about twenty, so I knew exactly how to work him.