Fear. I didn’t know what that call was about but now she was terrified. And she hadn’t even noticed she had two tails climbing up her back.

With the audience crowding into the aisles, Kat’s path got more blocked by the second. Yet, she pushed and elbowed her way through, shoulders set in stiff determination. She made her way to the door with two minutes remaining in the first round and the collective gasp or maybe it was a groan of the crowd, stopped her.

She looked up from her phone and turned to look at the big screen overhead. Anger colored her skin bright red, and though I was reluctant to do it, I took my gaze off her for just a second to see our worst fucking nightmare come true.

Choir Boy was laid out on the mat, KO’d in the fifth fucking round.

“Fucking Ravager piece of shit.” He’d have to be dealt with. Sooner rather than later, but right now that asshole had gotten closer to Kat. Too close.

In seconds he was at her side, smoothy wrapping a hand around her waist and pushing her through the door with his body. No aggression. Nothing that would draw any stares if you weren’t paying attention.

Too bad for that motherfucker, I was watching.

Taking advantage of the distraction caused by the knockout, I ran through the doors and the first thing I heard was Kat’s shout.

“No!” cut through the air.

I ran to help her, but I should have known that Kat could handle herself. I winched for the guy as she shoved a palm up into his nose with all of her strength. It just wasn’t enough. “I said no!”

By now, I had picked up speed and gained on them, so I grabbed the asshole by the neck and pulled hard enough to send him to the floor, which gave me just enough time to land a few solid blows, drawing blood from his nose. I leaned over and snarled into his face, “Who are you?”

He smiled and produced a blade, slicing it across my arm in a downward motion. “Fuck you, asshole.”

“Wrong answer.” I punched him again and looked up at Kat. “You know this guy?”

“No, and I really don’t have time for this. Can you handle it?” She was scared and frustrated, and in typical Kat fashion, annoyed.

I kept my forearm across his throat and my other hand grasped the hand with the knife. “I’m not your maid, princess.”

A low growl came from Kat as she stepped primly into her fuck me stilettos and walked over to us. “Oh for fuck’s sake Terry, I know that. We grew up together you idiot.”

“Not the time, Kat.” I shook my head and turned back to the man. “Who do you work for?”

He smiled again and struggled to move the arm holding the knife. “Fuck. You.”

Kat knelt down beside him, probably giving him a view of whatever little lacy thing she had under that blue dress. “Look asshole, I do not have the time for this. Why are you following me?” she said. Letting her lady bits hang out didn’t bother her, so I kept my mouth shut and my eyes trained on him.

“Maybe I just wanted a taste of the Ashby princess.” He sneered.

Kat looked up at me, her patience close to snapping. “Madison called. She needs help. I have to go.”

“I’m coming with you.” There was no way I would let her run off to some shitty neighborhood alone.


I nodded, letting her know that this wasn’t part of our usual banter.

“Fine.” She yanked the knife from his hand and stabbed it in his neck with all her strength. My mouth gaped open as blood squirted out of his neck across the cement floor.

Kat stood and asked, “Can we go now?”

Holy fuck, I didn’t know whether to be afraid or turned on, but dammit, I wanted her even more than ever at that moment. I looked back at the guy as blood poured out of his neck. “Yeah, let’s go.”

I grabbed Kat by the arm, locked the chain on the exit we used and pulled out my phone. “Jasper.”

“What the fuck man? Where are you? Did you see this shit?” The outrage and the anger made his voice vibrate down the line.

“How the fuck could we miss it,” Kat grumbled, practically stomping toward the exit that led to the parking lot.

I grabbed Kat’s arm to stop her and pushed her up against the wall, placing a finger to her lips to shut her up.

“Jasper, I need you to focus. That guy who came after Kat before just tried again. He’s bleeding out in the west hall, just past the utility closet. I chained the door but the others are unlocked.”

“What? What the fuck?” Jasper hated when the world didn’t bend to his will, and tonight the universe was testing his strength with an endless string of counter punches.