“Anything else?”

“No,” he growled and turned in front of the still closed door. “I’m just a call away if you need anything, Kat. Anything.”

“I know, Jas. Thanks, and stay safe out there.”

“Always,” he said with a nod and patted the spot where he kept the copper gun Dad had left him in the will.

When Jasper left, I turned my attention back to work, but of course, thoughts of Terry began to creep in again. Jasper’s fault. On what planet did brothers and sisters talk about their sex lives? Definitely not this one.

Maybe it was time I started making room in my life for personal things. Like sex. And men.

And obscenely amazing orgasms.



My house was nothing like Ashby Manor in terms of size, grandeur or décor, but it was mine. Even though Sadie had offered me a spot at the Manor, her way of showing that she saw me as a legit member of the family, it just didn’t feel right.

Not anymore.

It wasn’t the same as spending every day and most nights there when I was a kid because Dad was busy chasing ass and Mom was busy chasing that next high.

Now that I was a grown man, I loved my privacy.

Located only about a mile away from the gates of Ashby Manor, my place was bigger than I needed, but until a few months ago, Emmett had been my reluctant roommate. I liked having the space to roam around when I couldn’t sleep, when I needed to think. Besides, I’d spent my childhood in studio and one-bedroom apartments and having more space was a luxury I could now afford.

My space was open and bright with lots of windows that allowed plenty of light to come inside when I wanted to, and the remote controlled black out blinds meant I could have privacy when I wanted it. My favorite spot in the house was the floor-to-ceiling windows just off the kitchen, where I could watch the sun sink below the horizon and the stars twinkle in the sky.

It was late evening and the blinds were activated just in case any enemies thought I’d be an easy mark away from the Manor. They could try. I had enough weapons stashed to make sure they didn’t live to regret it.

The sound of the doorbell took my gaze reluctantly away from the view of the small manmade lake behind my house, the glittering reflection of the stars as they popped in the sky. I took my time going downstairs, ignoring the second, more urgent ring to check the security screen before answering.

Two kids who couldn’t have been more than twenty stood on the doorsteps in what looked like chef’s whites. I opened the door to their smiling faces and shook my head.

“Not interested.”

The guy’s smile faltered easily, but the girl wasn’t intimidated in the least. Instead, she stepped forward, her smile even brighter.

“Gourmet for Hire, at your service. Everything is prepped, as requested, for your gourmet experience. The only thing left is for Jack and me to plate it up. Then we’ll be on our way,” she said, hanging onto the charming smile I was sure worked for her more times than it didn’t. “Ten minutes. Max.” She took another bold step forward, only stopping when my hand went up.

“I didn’t order this.” And if this was a type of scam to get me to pay for some overpriced meal, they’d regret choosing my house.

“Your girlfriend did.” The girl’s smile never wavered when I glared at her. She simply produced a small cream-colored card and slid it between my fingers. Then, she waited patiently for me to read it.

Thanks for saving my life, stalker. I owe you one. ~KA

I smiled at Kat’s words and stepped back to let the kids enter. I wasn’t about to turn down a gourmet meal from a beautiful woman.

“Kitchen is straight back, thanks.” As the kids marched down the hall in hushed whispers, I reread the note in disbelief. Kat was nice to everyone, but I’d always gotten the impression that she looked down on me.

Not always, but after one particularly embarrassing evening when my mother showed up, drunk, to Ashby Manor and forced me home for a family dinner of fried bologna sandwiches and generic cheese puffs.

After that, Kat noticed the social differences between us and her schoolgirl crush had vanished.


But this gift? It was different.

Not that I was about to go off daydreaming about my best friend’s little sister, which was sheer madness. But it would be rude not to say thanks, wouldn’t it?

Thanks for dinner. No poison? Her reply came before I could shove my phone back into a pocket.

Not that I know of. Eat it all and let me know so I can call the right people to complain, yeah?

Her words pulled a laugh from me that echoed in the foyer, reminding me that two young strangers were preparing food for me in the kitchen. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t indulge in a little harmless flirting while I waited to eat.