Before dropping to his knees, West shed his suit jacket and tossed it onto the bed. His deft fingers made quick work of Jin’s belt and pants, shoving them to his ankles. West let out a little growl as he pressed his mouth to the hard ridge of his cock through the briefs.

“Not red.”

“Sorry. I wasn’t thinking…” Jin panted. He’d snatched a normal black pair prior to heading in to take his shower this morning. He’d not imagined that West would be on his knees right now, preparing to remove his underwear.

“It’s for the best.” West tipped his head up and smiled. “If they were red, I’d have you bent over and my dick so deep in your ass right now. Qin warned me that we have only five minutes to ‘talk.’ Gotta make this fast.”

Fast would not be a problem. Each word he spoke sent deliciously warm, damp air through the material of his briefs, making him even harder.

West pulled his underwear down to his thighs and licked up his hard length. His tongue swirled around the head, and a sound Jin couldn’t identify escaped him. He slapped one hand over his mouth while keeping the other pressed to the door for balance. There was no way he could keep quiet as West took his entire length to the back of his throat.

A low, happy moan rumbled from West, the vibrations caressing his dick while that perfect mouth gripped and sucked him deep into that hot cavern. There was no tearing his eyes away as he watched his body disappear into West. Nothing had ever felt so good.

There was also the tiniest hint of danger added, thanks to the ticking clock. Qin was holding those ladies at bay, giving him five whole minutes to do whatever they wanted. And right now, the crown prince of Gaoxing was getting his dick sucked by the sexiest man in all the kingdom.

Just that thought alone had his cock swelling and his orgasm eating away at his last bits of self-control. His hips jerked forward, chasing that amazing high, needing more. West groaned and tightened his grip on one of Jin’s legs. He pulled, urging him to thrust, to fuck his mouth. Jin didn’t argue. He moved cautiously, not wanting to choke West. His wet dick pushed past plush lips and over a silky tongue over and over again. The feel and pressure had his toes curling in his slippers. Muscles trembled, and beads of sweat slipped along his spine.

His orgasm washed over him so damn quick. He was lost in the feel of West’s mouth, his powerful hands massaging his thighs, long fingers sliding over his sac. And then just the sight of his beautiful man on his knees, those eyes watching with a mix of hunger and devotion. He tried to warn him, to get some words out, but English was beyond him. Even his native tongue felt impossible. There was only a muffled moan of ecstasy as he came hard enough to make his knees weak.

West didn’t hesitate. He swallowed everything he had while his fingers tightened hard enough to bruise. Yes, leave bruises. Mark him everywhere. This man had forever changed his heart. He wanted his outside to match his insides.

When he had nothing left and was barely standing upright, West pulled his briefs back into place and stood. He grinned as he moved Jin’s hand away and kissed him deeply. Jin moaned as he tasted himself on West’s tongue. He loved it. Loved that there was something tying them together, that some part of him was now in West. Making West his.

“So beautiful,” West murmured against his lips. “You’re so beautiful it hurts.”

“Your turn,” Jin whispered, reaching for West’s fly. His lover caught his wrist, stopping him.

“Tonight. We don’t have time, Dianxia. Qin will be coming to fetch us any minute now.”

Jin frowned at him, giving in to his very best pout. “I’m still Dianxia? After that?”

West smiled at him and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “If we have a good day, I’ll call you something different when I sink deep inside of you tonight.”

A little whimper left his throat as his ass clenched and even his exhausted dick tried to perk up at the idea. Tonight, they would be alone in bed. No one to interrupt or stop them. Tonight, he’d get to feel all of West.

“What will you call me tonight?” Jin asked, his tone strangled as he fought to even speak.

West kissed along his jaw and left his swollen lips to brush over Jin’s ear as he replied, “Mine.”

With a low chuckle, West stepped back enough to help Jin drag his pants into place. While Jin made himself decent again, West moved over to a mirror to check his own appearance. He slid a hand over his hair to make sure every bit was in place and then straightened his tie.