He was reaching for his jacket when there was a knock at the door. That was odd. Fan wouldn’t knock on her return. Could it be Qin?

“Come in,” he called out.

Ming Tao slipped inside with a smirk. “See. I can learn,” his brother teased as he crossed the room to stand next to his brother in the bedroom doorway. “Besides, I’ve already gotten an eyeful that I can never scrub from my brain. I’d rather not get another.”

Jin touched his brow and sighed. “Please don’t remind me. It’s not something I’d ever like to replay in my life.”

“I was on my way to grab breakfast before we leave. I wanted to see if you were ready to walk to the dining room.”

Jin dropped his hand and smiled at Ming Tao. It was nice to have his brother home at last, even if it was only until the start of the new year. He had to go back to finish his schooling. “I’ll be down shortly. I’m just waiting on West to finish getting ready in the room across the hall.”

His brother’s grin turned a little wicked. “I know. I saw.”


“I peeked. I caught Fan heading over, and I followed her.” Ming Tao made a show of sighing and fanning himself. “Holy hell, gege. Not only do you gain a new personal bodyguard, but you get one that hot? I’m jealous.”

“What?” Jin squeaked a second time. Was it getting hot in here? Someone must have turned up the temperature. “I—”

“I’m serious.” Ming Tao leaned close and dropped his voice to a whisper, although they were the only ones in the room. “If I’d found someone that hot who was that overprotective of me, we’d never get out of bed.” He leaned away. “Just a shame Father had to get sick now. You’d be announcing your engagement.”

“What? No. He’s just a pretend boyfriend,” Jin argued.

Ming Tao snorted. “Oh, please. I know what I walked in on. There was nothing pretend about that.” His brother paused and lifted an eyebrow. “Unless…you’re just doing the casual thing?”

“I—no! I…” Jin was losing the thread of this conversation. They were letting the world think West was his boyfriend, but he was calling it pretend to keep him close. Except it didn’t feel pretend. And it wasn’t just about the kissing. He was so lost.

“I get it!” Ming Tao exclaimed. “The pretend talk is to lure him in so you can keep him. Like domesticating a feral animal.”

A choking noise jumped from Jin’s throat, and he gawked at his brother, who cackled next to him. “You’re insane. Going to school in the US and UK has made you insane! You’re not leaving Gaoxing until you’re in your proper mind again.”

Ming Tao rolled his eyes and strolled to the door to leave for breakfast. “If you were smart, you’d put a ring on that as fast as possible before someone smarter than you snatches him up.” As he spoke, Ming Tao pointed at himself. Jin was tempted to take off his slipper and chuck it at his brother’s head. He took it all back. Ming Tao needed to return to school today! Jin crossed the room to playfully shove his brother out of his bedroom.

As Ming Tao left, someone stepped into the apartment, stealing Jin’s breath away. His feet stopped cold in the doorway.


Jin was pretty sure he was going to swallow his tongue. Westin St. James was dangerously gorgeous. The dark suit hugged his hard, lean body, somehow making him appear even taller. His longish blond locks had been tamed and pulled into a tiny ponytail at the base of his neck, giving a clear view of his sharp features and brilliant hazel eyes.

“Dianxia, if you keep staring at me like that, I will have no choice but to do wicked, wicked things to you,” West growled.

“Yes. Please. Now.” He didn’t even know what he was saying any longer. All that useful blood that had filled his brain had rushed south, hardening his cock so fast he was light-headed. The desperate desire he’d felt in his bed when he’d first woken had returned and was demanding they finish what they’d started.

West’s grin was almost a snarl as he grabbed Jin’s elbow and forced him back into the bedroom. He shut the door and pressed Jin against it. His hands braced on either side of Jin’s head, he leaned in close, the tip of his nose dragging along his cheek while those perfect lips grazed his own. “This way no one can barge into the room while I’m sucking your cock.”

The cock in question gave the happiest throb while Jin whimpered, attempting to chase after those lips. He loved the idea of a blowjob, but he also wanted a kiss. Reaching out, he almost seized West’s jacket, but West snagged his wrists and pressed his hands to the wood. “No touching, or people will guess what we’ve been doing.”