God, he needed a drink. Was it too early to drink?

“West is a mercenary. He discovered a contract for my life and came to warn me. He’s already saved my life on multiple occasions and helped to get rid of the contract. He’s posing as my boyfriend, so he can remain close to me and offer protection for a few more days.” Jin paused in his explanation and looked down at the floor while a flush painted his ears. “As for the personal side of things, it’s…complicated. We are enjoying a mutual attraction.”

This time, it was Ming Tao’s turn to rush to his brother’s side. He gripped his shoulders, demanding to know that he was okay. He also gave West another round of bows as a thank-you for saving his brother’s life.

Jin ushered his brother over to the sofa, where they fell into a deep conversation about the state of the kingdom, their safety, and their father’s failing health. West caught only parts of the conversation as they spoke the Gaoxing dialect and at great speeds, completing each other’s sentences here and there.

At the end, Ming Tao lifted worried eyebrows at his brother. “Does Father know any of this?”

Jin frowned. “Only about the finances of the kingdom. He knows nothing about the threat on my life—and he can’t know. We have also not told him about the need for a heart transplant. I wanted you there with me when we discussed it.”

Ming Tao huffed a bitter laugh and flopped back against the cushions. “Because we both know what he will say.”

“What?” West asked before he could catch himself. “Sorry. I shouldn’t—”

Ming Tao waved off the apology. “You’re privy to all the family gossip now.”

“Father would argue that it’s in the hands of God now. He has served and the heart should go to someone young who has a long life ahead of them,” Jin answered.

“How old is the emperor?”

“Sixty? Sixty-one?” Ming Tao replied.

Jin flashed him a small frown. “Father is fifty-eight.”

West crossed his arms over his chest and shifted his weight from his left leg to his right. “He’s still young. He could have another thirty years ahead of him. Plenty of time to continue to share his wisdom and guidance with his sons. Doesn’t he want to see his grandchildren?”

Ming Tao cackled and pointed at West. “See. You should take him and let him convince Father to have the surgery. He shamed me in record time. Let him do it to Father.”

“No, thank you,” West said, while Jin looked as if he were holding in a laugh. He was hoping to avoid meeting the emperor altogether. He would not try to convince the man to have surgery. That was the job of his sons.

Jin motioned to a chair near him. “West, please sit.”

West shook his head. “I should step into the hall and let you have a moment alone.” He didn’t want to let Jin out of his sight, but he hated intruding on what little private time he had with his brother.

“Stay,” Ming Tao countered, also waving to the chair. “You’re protecting and sleeping with my brother. Besides, if ge gets one hour a day of privacy, I won’t compete with you over getting him alone. I know I’d lose!”

“Ming Tao!” Jin gasped. “I wouldn’t!”

“Then you’re an idiot!” The younger brother laughed right in his face. “If I was getting laid and had to choose between my partner and you, I’m sorry, but you’d freaking lose.”

West snorted as he sat in the chair while Jin rolled his eyes and sighed.

Okay, brother was forgiven. He wasn’t a bad guy. He dearly loved Jin, and that was enough for West.

His butt couldn’t have been in the chair for more than thirty seconds before Jin’s hand sneaked over. Their pinkies brushed and West’s heart skipped a beat. He fought to keep any smiles off his lips while he listened to Jin talk about their plans to head over to the hospital in the late morning. The doctor would also be there to help share their less-than-great news. It was all serious talk, but all he could think about was the small touch of Jin’s hand as it gradually moved closer until at least two of their fingers were threaded together.

Ming Tao snickered. “You can’t help yourself.”

“What?” Jin inquired.

He pointed at their hands. “Your hand has been sneaking closer to his ever since he sat down. You can’t help yourself!”

Jin pulled his hand away, his ears turning bright red. West leaned forward and snagged Jin’s hand, weaving all of their fingers together. When Jin looked up at him, his lips parted in surprise, West smiled at him and pressed a kiss to their knuckles. “Private time. You can do what you want.”

“True, but that raises another problem. Him.” Ming Tao jerked his chin at West.