The prince’s hands opened and closed a few times as if he wanted to reach out to West but was restraining himself. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I want you here? You saved my life. You’ve protected me. How could I not want someone so good and honorable in my country?”

West shook his head, but didn’t say a word. He’d helped Jin, and he’d helped a lot of other people in his past, but it didn’t feel like his deeds would ever wipe the slate clean. It was probably best if he left as soon as possible. He didn’t want to risk staining Jin with his accumulation of bad karma.

“Will you stay?” Jin asked softly.

His heart stuttered in his chest. “Is that what Dianxia wants?”

“It is.”

West’s lips twitched, and he held in the smile that wanted to break free. He wanted to reach out, to grab this man who was standing a few feet away and pull him into his arms. His skin tingled and his breaths were short, but joy filled his chest. “Then I’ll do as Dianxia wishes.”

“Good.” A laugh escaped Jin, and he lowered his eyes. His tongue sneaked out and wet his lips before he repeated it. “Good. I’m glad.”

Feeling too bold for his own good, West took half a step toward the prince as they lingered in his bedroom doorway. “Does Dianxia want anything else?”

Jin’s wide eyes snapped up to his face, and his lips parted on a nearly silent gasp. “Kiss me.” The words seemed to jump from his mouth, and shock filled his expression for a second as if he couldn’t believe he’d said that. “I mean…if you wa—”

West didn’t let him finish. He wrapped one arm around Jin’s slender waist, pulling him in tight while the other hand slid along his hair as he cupped the nape of his neck. The first kiss should have been sweet and chaste, a gentle probing thing. It wasn’t.

All the hunger and need he’d felt for Jin Long Wei since the very first time he’d spotted the man in the tea shop came pouring out. His tongue painted a slow stripe along his bottom lip before slipping inside of his mouth to caress Jin’s tongue. The prince moaned and leaned into him. Long, elegant fingers became claws, wrapping in his sweater to hold him even closer so that West could feel lean, hard muscle pressed to him.

He ended the first kiss by tugging on that perfect bottom lip with his teeth. Lifting his head a little, West smiled to see long, black eyelashes fluttering then dark eyes focused on him. Jin’s smile was crooked, and he made a show of licking his lips.

“You smoke,” the prince stated.

Heat burned West’s cheeks. He’d cut back since arriving in Gaoxing and always made sure the smell didn’t follow him when he was near the crown prince. He just hadn’t planned on being quite this close.

“Forgive me, Dianxia. It’s something to help my nerves.”

One of those thick black brows rose. “Still Dianxia? After a kiss like that?”

“I may need another to help with that.”

“Of course.” Jin slid one hand up to grip West’s shoulder, pulling him down for another searing kiss that stretched on and on. There was no getting enough. If anything, he needed more. He wanted Jin to wrap his legs around his waist so he could carry the man into the bedroom. They needed to be naked so he could feel all that hot, silken skin pressed to his own.

And he wasn’t the only one who wanted more.

Jin shifted against him, rubbing his hardening cock into West’s hip through far too many layers of clothes. This kiss was blazing out of control too fast, and West couldn’t get himself to give a single fuck. No, there wasn’t one fuck to be had in all of Gaoxing.

There was only sexy Jin Long Wei clinging to him, little sounds escaping him as they licked, nibbled, and sucked. Jin’s plush lips were made to be kissed by West. His body fit perfectly within his arms. He wanted this to never end.

The door to the prince’s private quarters burst open.

“Forgive me, Dianxia, but there’s been a report of security issues in the palace. I needed to—what the hell!” Qin screeched, coming to a sharp stop in the middle of the parlor, his wide, disbelieving eyes locked on them as they just barely broke off the kiss.

West and Jin stood frozen, staring at Jin’s assistant.

No, that was wrong. Jin stepped even closer to West, his hands tightening on him as if he instinctively feared them being physically separated. West’s body reacted, his arms tightening around Jin while his teeth clenched. No one was taking Jin from him.

A soft sigh slipped from Jin’s now-puffy lips. “Shit.”



Jin dropped his head on West’s shoulder and glared at his assistant. Qin’s timing was horrible. That had been the very best kiss of his entire life. His lips felt bruised, his cock ached, and everything else had this wonderful effervescence, as if tiny bubbles filled his blood. If not for his assistant, he’d begun to hope that he might get laid.