“I’m sorry to say that we’re also getting more demands from the media regarding why we have not published the budget for the coming year,” Deng Rong admitted. “Word is spreading that the government funds have run out, but people are waiting for official word from the royal family.”

Jin grunted, his eyes locked on the printout of the latest report regarding the financial standing of the kingdom. Nothing looked good. The government was very open about its spending and income. It wasn’t hard for people to figure out how things were, and they didn’t need to hear it from him. So far, they’d been put off because of the emperor’s poor health, but that excuse wasn’t going to work for much longer.

“We can divert them for a little while longer. We want to do a new push across the kingdom for an increase in organ donors and blood donations.” He lifted his gaze to both ministers standing in front of him and forced a small smile. “We know funds are tight, but this is important. More details will be forthcoming in the next day.”

“Yes, Dianxia,” Deng Rong agreed with a small bow.

Releasing a deep breath, Jin closed the folder Qin had placed on his desk from the Finance Ministry and turned to the leather portfolio with the emblem of the Defense Ministry.

“Do you have any good news for us, Minister Zhan?” Jin inquired, not expecting anything that resembled good news.

“Forgive me, Dianxia, I do not. We are getting continued signs of aggression from China. We’ve received word that they’ve decided to conduct some military exercises near our northern coast.”

Finally, Jin had something to roll his eyes at. “More posturing?”

“Yes, Dianxia. For the third week.”

It had started just before the emperor entered the hospital and increased when the world knew the kingdom was in Jin Long Wei’s hands, as if they thought the crown prince was going to cave to them.

“We continue as we have. We do nothing. We will not make the mistake of flinching first. We want you to continue to be in close contact with your commanders. There can be no mistakes. Tension is running too high right now,” Jin pressed.

“Yes, we can’t have any of your green generals developing an itchy trigger finger or a weak spine,” Deng Rong muttered.

Zhan Bo Wen sucked in a breath and his face flushed, looking like a round volcano about to explode next to the stick figure of a finance minister.

“Enough, Deng Rong. We have complete confidence in Zhan Bo Wen and our military to hold the line,” Jin said in a flat, hard voice before Zhan could explode. The sniping at each other had taken a little longer to start this time. They must be concerned about the emperor.

“Of course, Dianxia,” Deng Rong replied, and while his tone was humble, there was just something about it that felt false. Jin wasn’t sure if Deng Rong was mocking Zhan Bo Wen or him, though.

“We have also received increased overtures from Japan,” Zhan continued. That was a mixed blessing. It was an enemy-of-my-enemy situation, but help from Japan didn’t guarantee Gaoxing’s continued independence. That relationship had to be carefully maintained.

“Thank you. We have a call with the prime minister later.”

The meeting continued in very much this fashion, with different grades of bad news mixed with the two ministers poking fun at each other and trading veiled comments. It was tempting to send them both to stand in the corner, but that wouldn’t have fixed anything.

When Qin pointed out that his next appointment was due to start in five minutes, he almost sighed with relief. He was so very done dealing with both of them.

Qin escorted both the ministers out and promised to have his soup brought in for a break he’d arranged. Jin took the small window to pull out his phone and send West a message.

Jin: Available for a chat after 11.

After sending it, he chewed on his bottom lip. Was that too terse? It was definitely too short. He should have sent something about how grateful he was that West saved his life and that he was sorry about falling to pieces in his arms. Yes, he needed to add all of that.

Before he could even add a new line, West answered.

West: I’ll be in your room at midnight.

That was more than enough to get Jin’s heart to skip a beat. Another secret meeting. Hopefully, this one would go much better than their last one. At least Jin was out of nasty secrets now.

West: Don’t leave the palace if you can avoid it.

West: Avoid being alone anywhere!

Those last two lines made Jin chuckle to himself. Other than visiting his father, Qin had fully packed his schedule. He was going to be lucky to get out of his chair for the rest of the day. Smiling to himself, he typed.