Qin bit on his upper lip while scrolling through the iPad that was his constant companion. His iPad and phone were critical to keeping the crown prince on time for everything ahead of him. “I have you down for a quick lunch followed by a meeting with both the finance minister and the defense minister for an hour. We’ve promised the agricultural minister thirty minutes. Your day ends with a call to the prime minister of Japan. There’s time allotted for reading over the latest proposals that have hit your desk, which should take you to dinner.”

“Can you get someone to dig up the percentage of people in Gaoxing who are signed up to be organ donors? I also want a status report on blood availability across the kingdom. Do we need to do another push to increase donations? I know people were eager to donate a few years ago after the typhoons, but it dropped off following the quarantine.”

Qin’s eyes widened, and Jin’s heart clenched. “The emperor?” he whispered in a trembling voice.

“A precaution, but also a vital reminder that we need to take care of all our people. If the percentage of organ donors in Gaoxing is below fifty percent, please inform our chief medical advisor to expect a call from me after dinner this evening.”

“As you wish, Dianxia.”

“Thank you, Qin.” He gazed out the window of the car as they briskly traveled through the city to the palace. He thought about texting the number West gave him to set up a time, but he suspected he would chat with the chief medical advisor for the country after his dinner and then catch up on the stacks of reading that awaited him. He had hoped to steal some time with West well earlier than midnight, but it wasn’t looking likely.

There was also the matter of how he was getting into the palace. Clearly, he was sneaking inside, which both amazed and horrified Jin. He wanted to have a servant meet him, or at least meet West at a door himself, but that didn’t seem wise when all this needed to be done using stealth. So, midnight it was. He wouldn’t be catching up on sleep tonight.

But Westin St. James was worth losing a little sleep over.

The promise of lunch turned out to be a lie.

Both Finance Minister Deng Rong and Defense Minister Zhan Bo Wen were waiting just outside his office. Jin held in his sigh and turned his head toward Qin, who was a couple of steps behind him. “Today was ginger soup, right? Could you have someone keep it warm until after this meeting?”

“But…” Qin started and then sighed. “Of course, Dianxia.” He knew his assistant was about to remind him that the ministers could wait on the crown prince to eat his lunch. The problem was that knowing they were waiting for him, Jin wouldn’t relax. It was better to get this meeting done now.

“Good afternoon, Minister Deng, Minister Zhan. Thank you for coming today.”

“Good afternoon, Dianxia,” both men replied as they fell into step behind him as he entered his office. Actually, it was the emperor’s office. He’d taken it over since the doctors admitted the emperor to the hospital.

“How was your visit with the emperor?” Deng Rong inquired.

“Good. The emperor is in good spirits today, and Dr. Chen reports that his condition is holding steady.” He walked around the massive old desk and dropped into the high-back chair with the thick padding. He was grateful that his father in his advanced years had opted for comfort, particularly when considering how many hours a day he was spending in this chair. “Also, Prince Jin Ming Tao will be returning home tomorrow. We intend to visit the emperor for many hours together tomorrow. Qin will update our schedule accordingly.”

He glanced up to see both ministers bow to him, acknowledging the subtle message that he wasn’t going to be taking requests tomorrow unless it was an emergency.

“Then, let us begin.”

Finance Minister Deng Rong gave a succinct and grim update on the financial state of the kingdom. Unless there was a new infusion of cash, the kingdom would be bankrupt in a year. They had a major bond payment coming due, and right now, China was the biggest holder of their bonds. He did not expect their neighbor to be very forgiving if they were late with their payment.

They had discussed issuing another bond to pay for the expiring one, but that would only create an even bigger mess in the future. It would not get them out of this hole.

Jin listened closely while his mind raced for new ideas beyond his current terrible one, but he was hitting a brick wall. There was nothing coming to him. He’d even requested that his finance minister reach out to the brightest financial minds in the kingdom for answers. Still nothing. Soon, he would have no choice but to announce that the kingdom was in dire straits. They would have to raise taxes to help cover costs. And even cut social programs.