In the end, he went with a dark suit. It was always the safer choice, even if the soft cream cashmere sweater looked nice on him. He was also afraid that it would appear too informal, and Mr. West was a reporter expecting to speak to the crown prince of Gaoxing. A certain level of formality was due.

“Dianxia, you’re not nervous, are you?” Qin’s lilting voice rose over his shoulder.

“Qin,” he growled. Maybe there was still time for him to stuff his assistant into the car’s trunk. Qin was small. There was plenty of room.

But there wasn’t time.

As he stepped inside the park, he spotted John West lounging on a bench, watching the entrance. Jin’s heart quickened as the man uncrossed his long legs and rose to his feet. He’d dressed more formally today, in a pair of slacks and a sports coat over a white button-down shirt and tie. Jin bit his bottom lip at the sight of that tie. There was just something about it that seemed so out of place on the reporter, but it shouldn’t have. He probably had to dress formally all the time to interview people.

That shoulder-length blond hair also appeared out of place for a reporter, but it was so perfect on him. Today, he had most of it pulled back in a small ponytail at the nape of his neck, but a few tendrils fell loose to hang around his sharp eyes.

Yes, he found John West attractive, but that was so very easy. He was a handsome man. That was the trade-off. He was giving up his lunch to take part in an interview that would work for the benefit of his people while he personally basked in this good-looking man’s presence.

“Good afternoon,” Jin greeted as he drew close to the reporter.

John bowed low to him. “Good afternoon. Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me.”

“Not at all. And would you prefer it if we conducted this interview in English?” he offered as John struggled a little.

John’s brow furrowed. “It wouldn’t be too much of an insult?”

Jin chuckled. “Not at all. I’m honored you’ve learned so much of our language and practiced hard.” He leaned toward John a little and lowered his voice. “But I went to college in the United Kingdom. I think my English is pretty good now, and it would give you a chance to focus on your questions.”

An almost reluctant smile cracked on John’s face, and Jin’s heart skipped again.

More. He wanted to make this man smile more. It was his chief goal for this interview.

Crap. No.

Okay, the other big goal. The first was still supporting his kingdom. Making John smile had to come in second.

“Shall we walk?” Jin motioned to the path that wound its way through the park. “My assistant, Qin Hong Yi, will accompany us. He is not allowed to speak.”

That earned him an eye roll from Qin. He couldn’t see it, but he could feel it, along with the glare right at the back of his skull. It was worth it when he got a little noise out of John that almost sounded like a muffled laugh.

“I understand. I will address all of my questions to you, Dianxia.” John lifted his phone and showed him the screen that was open to what looked to be an app for recording audio. “Do I have your permission to record our conversation?”

“Yes, of course.”

They strolled along in silence for a bit, taking in the gorgeous scenery around them. As they passed the first rows of flowerbeds filled with flowers that preferred to bloom late into the fall, they came upon a sparkling pond lined with weeping willows and even a handful of cherry trees. It was a shame that John would not be there in the spring to watch the snowy-white cherry blossoms fluttering off the trees; the petals carried on the wind to the water’s surface.

“How long have you been in town, Mr. West?” Jin inquired.

“Less than a week. I’ve spent the time exploring the royal capital.”

“Oh! Have you been up to Temple Hill? It has one of the oldest Buddhist temples and working monasteries in all of Asia.”

The little half smile returned, and John nodded. “I have. The temples on the hill are exquisite. Nothing in the world is more peaceful than that area. The harmony found there between man and nature is…”

“Breathtaking,” Jin finished in a whisper. He offered incense to his ancestors in the family crypt adjoining the palace at least once a week, but he tried to make time to sneak up to Temple Hill at least once a month to pray and meditate. There was something about being there that helped to clear his head and cleanse his soul.

“Exactly.” John unleashed his full smile at last, and Jin was pretty sure several brain cells spontaneously imploded. Getting John to smile was a dangerous business.