In a heartbeat, Gabriel was texting Justin to get the comms back online. The guards were instantly mobilized to search for the former finance minister.
“Ming Tao! Does anyone know where my brother is?” Jin demanded.
“He should be safe and surrounded by a security team right now,” West reassured.
“Yes, the security team confirms they have the prince,” Qin added. “They aren’t letting anyone near him. We have also tripled security around the emperor. We won’t let anything happen to the royal family.”
Jin collapsed into his seat and stared at his desk, but he didn’t seem to see it. “Deng Rong needs to be captured now. He’s desperate and has nothing left to lose.”
West squeezed his shoulder. “We will. He’s not leaving the city.”
“I’m not worried about him leaving the city.” Jin glanced up at him with big, fearful eyes. “The annual Gaoxing Sovereignty Celebration is in three days. It is the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Jin family rule. Ming Tao and I cannot spend it hiding in the palace. There will be celebrations, fireworks, performances, and speeches all day. We cannot miss it.”
And that would be the perfect opportunity for Deng Rong to take one last shot at Crown Prince Jin Long Wei.
West’s fingers tightened on Jin’s wrist, threatening to cut off circulation, but he didn’t make a sound. He focused only on putting one foot in front of the other as they zigzagged through the clogged streets. If he fell, he’d take down West too, or he’d get swallowed up by the panicked crowd swarming all around them and they’d be separated.
Another minor explosion ripped through the night, followed by frightened screams and sporadic gunfire.
Jin cursed himself. When they’d failed to locate Deng Rong, he should have suspended the annual celebrations, but he hadn’t wanted to dampen the people’s jovial spirit. He thought any potential attacks would be small and directed solely at him.
Yet as the first smoke bomb went off and gunshots cut through the cheers during the parade to the temple, everything turned into pure chaos.
West grabbed him and they attempted to reach the royal motorcade, but fire and more gunshots cut them off.
As they ran, he could see West’s mouth moving, but he couldn’t make out what he was saying. An earpiece connected him to the rest of his team. Jin could only guess that he was trying to organize something to get both him and Ming Tao to safety.
Ming Tao!
They had been standing next to each other on the stage as the explosions started, but the security team separated them. In times of danger, they weren’t permitted to travel together out of fear of losing both the heirs to the throne. He never saw if his brother made it to a vehicle. Was he lost somewhere in this chaos?
West pulled them down a narrow street that was less crowded with people. Jin tripped on the hem of his long traditional robes and just barely kept his feet. He cursed his outfit, wishing that he was in his typical suit. The long, formal robes came out only for certain special ceremonies and events. At those times, no one expected him to run. The most athletic thing he did was a little waving to the crowd, climbing stairs to the stage, and a few deep bows.
On the next quick turn, Jin cut it too sharply and slammed his shoulder into the corner of a brick wall. A pained shout slipped out before he could catch it and West looked back, worry scrawled across his face.
“I’m fine!” Jin panted. He didn’t want them to stop. Not until they’d found somewhere safe to hide and regroup.
West continued for another block, then darted into a dark alley. He pulled Jin behind him and pressed his shoulders to the wall. “Catch your breath. Kairo is trying to find us a safe place to lie low while the police and national guard can get things under control.”
“Someone has called in the national guard?” Jin panted.
A crooked smile flashed across West’s face as he wiped away sweat from his brow with his fist. “A squad was already in place to take part in the parade. Sounds like they jumped in to move the crowd to safety while the police went after the shooters.”
“Do you know if anyone has been shot or injured?” Jin asked.
West frowned. “Kairo is up to his eyeballs in trying to direct the team. I don’t want to distract him.”
“No, you’re right. I need to get to the palace, or at least a temporary command center, so I can help direct efforts.” A drop of sweat rolled down from his temple and he shivered as a bitter wind kissed it before he could swipe it away. Since the sun had set, the air had turned cold. He hadn’t noticed it earlier in the evening thanks to all the layers he was wearing, but he felt it now as the icy air sliced his throat with every ragged breath.