“But-but-but…how? Who? If the prince is in danger, why didn’t you tell the prince’s security team?” Qin demanded the second he located his voice.

“I was afraid that the threat came from someone very close to Dianxia. I couldn’t tip off whoever wanted to kill the prince, sending him into hiding,” West lied smoothly.

Jin fought to keep his expression blank. It wasn’t a total lie. The threat had come from someone incredibly close—himself. He just didn’t want to tell Qin that. This was likely the greatest mistake of his life, and he would never stop being grateful to West for saving him from himself.

Qin leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees, and dropped his face into both of his hands. He sat there, seeming to absorb this information before looking up at Jin again. “And you believe him? Did he provide any proof?”

There was no need…

“I do and he did. I saw the contract for my life.”

Qin dropped his face into his hands again.

“The contract has been eliminated, and the culprit has been dealt with,” West continued in a firm but gentle voice, as if he’d realized that Qin’s brain couldn’t take much more. Unfortunately, his statement sounded too final, and it didn’t explain why they’d been kissing. It also made it too easy for West to leave.

No, no, no. He had to fix this.

“But West wants to make sure the threat has been removed. To do that, he has to stay close to me. Very close. I thought it would be best if he posed as my boyfriend. That way, he could remain at my side and keep me safe. And if there were any internal threats, West wouldn’t raise any suspicion among the security staff. No one would think that he’s additional security.” Jin smiled at West and then at Qin. Yes, that sounded like an excellent excuse that would allow him to continue to see West every day.

Qin parted his fingers to reveal wide eyes that darted from West to Jin and back again. “And what? The kissing I walked in on was practice to convince the public and staff that you’re dating rather than fake-dating?” Even though his voice was muffled behind his hands, there was no missing the buckets of sarcasm that painted each word.

Okay. He had a good point.

To his shock, West was the one who expertly fielded that question by wrapping one arm around Jin’s waist and pulling him closer. “Every job has its benefits.”

Qin made a disgusted sound and flopped in his chair while heat flooded Jin’s cheeks. He was probably a bright-red beacon, but it was hard to care too much when West was holding him and seeming to go along with his hastily concocted plan.

Slouching in the chair with his elbows on the armrests, his eyes slipped from Jin to West before releasing a soul-weary sigh. “Fine. Okay. You’re having a fling. With a mercenary. Who’s pretending to be your boyfriend in order to stay close.” Qin pushed upright and glared at Jin. “But that’s the problem. He looks like a mercenary. Definitely not someone the crown prince of Gaoxing would date. He needs a makeover if this is going to be believable.”

Qin shifted in his seat and pulled out his phone. His fingers flew across the screen as he typed. “Okay, I’ve alerted security that I am with you and that you are safe,” he mumbled and then lifted his eyes to West. “What are all your sizes? I’ll order a few ready-made suits and outfits to your specifications and have them prepared for tomorrow. We’ll still need a tailor to come and take proper measurements. I’ll also send a message to Fan Qing Yi to inform her to schedule an extra hour with you so she can do something with…this,” Qin finished with his fingers drawing a circle in the air around West’s head.

“Qin! Be nice,” Jin admonished.

His assistant’s gaze jumped from his phone and pinned Jin sharply. “Oh, I am being nice. I’ll give you that he’s a sexy blond treat, but he looks…”

“Like a mercenary,” West finished dully.

“Exactly. And all that needs to be cleaned up if he’s going to be seen with you in public. If anyone is going to believe for a second that you’re dating him and not being held hostage.”

Jin lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, trying to drag up the energy to chastise his assistant again. He’d always known that Qin had this sharp, snarky side, but he’d rarely seen it. Usually, the man was the vision of propriety and decorum. It was a testament to how thoroughly rattled he was right now.

But before he could say anything, West’s hand tightened on Jin’s waist. “Thank you, Qin, for your help.” He rattled off a list of numbers, providing Qin with everything he needed to get West outfitted to appear worthy of a prince.