But yes, time to drag his brain back out of his pants and start thinking before this spiraled out of control.

“But…but…Dianxia…what are you doing?” Qin demanded. He’d met Qin in high school, and they’d just so happened to attend university together. They hadn’t been close at the time, but Qin had always struck him as a responsible, level-headed, resourceful person. When it was time to hire an assistant, it seemed only natural to choose Qin the moment he’d shown up among the applicants.

They’d been together for a decade now, and he’d never seen Qin panic quite like this.

Jin lifted his head up to meet West’s gaze. The man holding him had pressed his lips together as if he were stifling a laugh. Jin couldn’t blame him. He thought it was pretty obvious what they were doing.

“Close the door, Qin,” Jin ordered, lifting his head to glare at his assistant. “We don’t need more of an audience.”

Qin turned and shut the door to the apartment as if his body had disconnected from his nonfunctioning brain. When he faced Jin and West again, his expression remained the same: flabbergasted horror.

“I don’t understand,” Qin stated, extending both of his hands toward them. “You…he…how?”

Jin rested his head on West’s shoulder again, his brain scrambling while the rest of his body enjoyed the feel of them wrapped together. He wasn’t ready for this to end. They needed more time. Yes, more time. Even as the crown prince of Gaoxing, he could date whomever he wanted. There were no strict laws restricting his personal life. And his heart—among many other body parts—wanted West.

“We’re dating,” Jin declared. “Yes. West is my boyfriend.”

Qin’s mouth fell open, but Jin was more concerned about the flinch he felt through West’s entire body. Not to mention the fact that his arms seemed to loosen. Sudden nerves had Jin wanting to step away from West, but he fought them down and continued to cling to the man as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He would brazen this out. West desired him. There was no question about it. That kiss was proof enough. West was just worried about the royalty thing. Jin could fix this.


Jin’s eyes snapped to Qin, who was standing across the room with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes narrowed.

“No, I don’t believe you.”

West tipped his head to the side so that he could meet Jin’s gaze more easily. “Is he allowed to talk to you like that?”

“I’m allowed to tell the crown prince of Gaoxing things like that. I’ve been with the prince for years.” Qin stepped toward them, hitting his hand on his chest several times to emphasize his point. “You, on the other hand”—Qin paused and waved his hand at West—“you know nothing.”

Jin wanted to point out that it was likely West knew what his tonsils tasted like and now had an impression of Jin’s dick against his hip, but that would have been uncouth and unprincely to say.

Qin’s face switched from anger to horror as he pointed at West. “You’re the intruder. You’re holding the prince at gunpoint. I’m telling security!”

Did he really believe Qin was level-headed?

West’s hands were full of him. There was no room for a gun.

No, this was his fault. He’d broken Qin.

“Qin, stop!” he commanded in his most authoritative voice. At least that seemed to break through the chaos in his poor assistant’s brain. “You’re being ridiculous.”

With a sigh, Jin released West and moved toward Qin, but West surprised him by refusing to release him. He looked up to find West scowling. The man lowered his head to whisper into his ear.

“How well do you know him? Do you trust him with everything?”

“I’ve known Qin for years. I trust him with my life. The lives of my family,” Jin replied without hesitation. Qin had done nothing to make him think he wasn’t loyal to the crown.

“See! I know everything about Dianxia. I know every bit of his life!” Qin crowed, still waving his hand between them. Truly, this surprise had unsettled his poor assistant. He was going to need to take a holiday soon. “You two are not dating. It’s obvious that he has a crush on you, though. He has since that day in the park.”

Jin hissed at Qin, though there was no point. He was still standing in West’s arms, and his lips still tingled from that epic kiss.

“You’re right. We’re not dating,” West declared. This time, it was Jin’s turn to flinch. “I’m not a reporter, but a mercenary. I discovered a plot to kill the crown prince, so I came to Gaoxing to warn and protect him.”

Qin’s mouth opened and closed several times, but there was no sound. It was only when Qin’s knees appeared to give out and he was falling to the floor in slow motion that Jin and West separated. They each caught one of Qin’s elbows and helped him into a chair while they sat side by side on the sofa.