“Thank you. Thank you for saving me.” Jin clung to West, wrapping his arms around his waist and cuddling as close as possible. There was a chill that bit into his flesh and wouldn’t let go. “It-it was never supposed to be like this. Yes, I know how stupid that sounds, but it’s the truth. I thought I put in the contract that it was all supposed to look like an accident. If it looks like someone murdered me, people could point fingers in the wrong direction and start a war. That’s not what I wanted at all. It’s…it’s a catastrophe, and I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“Does this mean that you’ll close that contract on your life?”

Jin squeezed his eyes shut and sighed. It made sense, considering how everything had gone to hell so quickly. Not to mention the fact that West was determined to put himself in harm’s way. He might make peace with trading his life for the well-being of his people, but he couldn’t do that with West’s.

However, the problem of the country’s finances remained, and he had no way of dealing with that other than his current plan.

“I…I’ll think about it,” Jin conceded.

“Dianxia—” West started, his voice filling with frustration, but he stopped, his arms tightening around him. Jin’s eyes popped open when West sighed, and he swore he felt the man brush his lips across the top of his head. Did…did he kiss him? It wasn’t the kiss or even the circumstances he’d imagined, but he’d take what he could get. He’d never thought he’d have the chance to kiss the man after today’s absolute debacle.

“I guess that’s as good as I’m going to get for now,” West continued. “I have a suggestion, if you’re willing to hear it.”


“We need to discuss this contract, which I’m assuming you don’t want anyone to know about,” West began.

“True.” That part was easy enough.

“And there’s a dead body in your closet, which I’m assuming you would rather not be discovered since that will lead to questions.”

Jin could only sigh. That was also true.

“My suggestion is that you take a hot shower and clear your head. I will take care of the body.”

That had him sitting up in West’s lap again, his mouth hanging open. The man made it sound as if he were running to the tea shop for a couple of green teas.

West arched both of his brows and held up one finger at him. “This is my job, Dianxia. All the more reason for you to keep your distance from someone like me.”

With a half grin, Jin pointedly looked down at where he was still seated in the man’s lap and had no desire to depart it. West’s lap was now his favorite seat in the world. A single conversation about corpse disposal would not change that. The corpse existed because West had risked his life to save him.

“I’ll take care of the body. What time does someone come to wake you or fix your hair, or whatever you do to begin your day?”

The first hints of a smile were tugging at his lips, but he fought them. He shouldn’t be smiling now, but West was too adorable. “My alarm goes off at six and then Fan Qing Yi comes to fix my hair about thirty minutes later. Qin appears at quarter to seven to review my schedule for the day.”

West frowned. “That doesn’t give me enough time to return and settle this contract matter with you. I’ll leave my number. I want you to message me when you know you have at least a couple of hours free to discuss this problem with me. Even if it’s not until midnight. That’s the trade-off, okay? I take care of the body, and you agree to speak to me one more time.”

Jin almost blurted out that West didn’t need to strike such a deal. He’d be more than happy to see this man anytime, anywhere. But West wasn’t talking about a date. This was about getting Jin out of his current calamity.


All too quickly, West rose and placed him on the stool while he remained standing. “You get the shower started. I’ll put a change of clothes on the sink for you before I leave. I’ll also double-check the apartment to make sure there’s no one else lurking about.”

“Thank you.” West gave a small nod of acknowledgment. That wasn’t enough. Jin caught his hand and held it in both of his, while trying to ignore the fact that his hands were icy, clammy, and trembling. “I’m very serious about this, Westin St. James. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for trying to protect Gaoxing.”

West stared down at him with sad eyes. With his free hand, he brushed back some hair from where it was crowding Jin’s face. “I just want you safe.”