Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long. Less than half an hour later, I heard a key in the lock at the front door of his place. Feeling bold in my outfit, I positioned myself leaning against the kitchen counter in the sexiest way I knew how and waited for him. My heart thumped in my chest as the door opened and Holden stepped inside. But it stopped beating when I realized he wasn’t alone...

“Oh shit,” Holden said. He spun around and smacked his hand over his bass player’s eyes.

I immediately bolted to his bedroom, though I was grateful he’d done that since I was just as naked from the back as I was the front. Mortified, I grabbed my clothes from the top of the dresser, yanked the shirt I’d worn earlier over my head, and started to tug on my jeans. They were halfway up my legs when Holden opened the bedroom door.

I closed my eyes. “Please tell me a giant hole has opened up in the center of your living room that I can go jump in.”

“Take those pants back off,” he said. “Shirt too.”

I shook my head with my eyes still squeezed shut. “I think the moment has passed. I’m so sorry. I had no idea you were bringing someone home with you.”

“He’s gone. Now take those clothes back off and let me look at you in that outfit.”

“I’m too embarrassed, Holden.”

“You have zero to be embarrassed about, sweetheart. But you do have less than five seconds to get undressed, or I’m going to do it for you.”

I finally opened my eyes. The way Holden was ogling me went a long way toward restoring my self-esteem. His eyes were dark, and there was an undercurrent of something dangerous as he bit down on his bottom lip.

I shook my head again. “I cannot believe that just happened.”

“Forget anything but right now. You have no idea how much I fucking missed you.” Holden paused and cocked his head. “Do you know how magnificent you are, waiting for me to come home dressed like that? How insanely sexy you looked?”

I have no idea how the man managed it, but I started to put what had just happened in the kitchen out of my mind and began to believe I was everything he said. The heat in his eyes made me feel so wanted. So I did as he asked and slipped out of the clothes I’d thrown on to cover up.

Holden ran a hand through his hair as he dragged his eyes up and down my body. “Jesus Christ. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch on this planet.” He shook his head. “I definitely don’t deserve you, but I’m way too selfish to give a fuck anymore.”

The air in the room crackled as Holden approached. If I’d had any doubt about whether he was only trying to make me feel better, that went out the door when I saw the bulge in his pants. It looked like his arousal was trying to escape by forcing the zipper teeth on his jeans apart.

Holden reached around to my ass with one hand and hitched me up and off my feet. My legs wrapped around his body as he took my mouth in a kiss that quickly grew out of control.

“Holy shit,” he groaned. “I can feel how wet you are through the crotch of your outfit and all of my clothes.”

“No, you can’t.” I bit down on his bottom lip and tugged. “Because this outfit has no crotch.”

“I want to tie you up. Every night for the last week, I’ve had a recurring dream of binding your hands together. But tying you up in this outfit? I couldn’t possibly have dreamed of something this good.” He pulled his head back and caught my gaze. “Are you good with that, sweetheart?”

I swallowed. “Yes.”

A wicked smile curved his lips. “Then let’s get you on that bed.”

Holden set me down on the mattress. He walked over to one of his drawers and pulled out a belt. Folding it in half, he snapped the leather together, making a loud whip-smack sound that was the most erotic thing I’d ever heard.

“Arms over your head. Clasp your hands together.”

He shook his head, staring down at me as I did what he asked. “I could look at you like this all day, sweetheart.”

Holden stripped out of his clothes, never taking his eyes from me. I grew hotter at the sight of his beautiful, tanned skin, decorated with all of his sexy tattoos. His six pack was sculpted, and his muscular arms each had a thick vein that ran the entire length of them. But when he slipped off his pants and underwear, my mouth went dry watching his thick erection bob against his stomach. He lifted a knee onto the bed and crawled up, straddling my waist as he leaned and fastened the leather belt around my wrists.