“He peeked out to watch,” her friend reassured her with a pat to the tote bag over her shoulder.

“So, you’re the last ones left,” Colt pointed out.

“Not everyone gets a fairytale ending,” Maisie answered bluntly.

“They do if they’re good,” Beau corrected.

“Right,” she agreed sarcastically.

“It appears your brilliant mind has one more lesson to learn. But don’t mind us, Colt and Harper. We’re so happy for you both.”

“Completely ecstatic. You two were always in perfect harmony. I’ve seen the video of you singing together at the concert. Will you join Colt on tour, Harper?”

“No. I have big plans here. I might join him on special occasions. It wasn’t as petrifying as I thought it would be. I guess having Colt there made it less scary.”

“That’s a good sign that you’re with the right person,” Colt commented. “Hold on a minute.” He ran over to retrieve a large packet. “This needs to spend time with you now. I’ll ask to borrow it again.”

Maisie peered in to see the tattered pages of the book they’d all shared. It reminded her instantly of all her teenage hopes and dreams. The hole in her life she tried to ignore gaped a bit wider. To cover her thoughts, she said, “Wow, that seems so long ago.”

“Thank you, Colt. I’d love to reread it,” Beau said, accepting the package.

“It’s probably safer if I hold on to it,” Maisie pointed out, wanting to keep it close.

“I’m sure we can come to a diplomatic solution. Especially since I’m staying with you while I’m in DC,” Beau pointed out.

“That’s great news,” Harper chimed as Rio and Amber joined them.

“What’s good news?” Amber asked quickly.

“Maisie and Beau are moving in together,” Harper shared.

The others shook their heads. Harper never could keep a secret. Well, not for long.