“Are you quitting music?” the drummer asked.
“Never. I’ll divide my time between there and here.” Colt looked at his band and noticed the concern written on their faces. “Music is who I am. I’m not planning to stop recording and writing songs. I’m probably going to rely on you more than ever now. I’ll keep this place and build another studio in Avondale.”
“What are you going to do? Fly us to Avondale to practice?” the bass guitarist asked with a laugh.
“Yes. I guess I need to look into private charters. We’ll figure this out if you can continue to work with me. Are you all able to help me make this work?”
Colt looked around at every face that made up his team. He knew his success didn’t just rely on his talent, but the magic they made together. His gaze locked with each person to let them know they were important. Their nods went straight to his heart.
“Thank you. Let’s make some music,” he suggested. “I’ve got a month to wait. Think we can finish this album so we can all take some time with the people we love?”
“We’re just waiting on you,” the bass player ribbed him.
Within a minute, they all were immersed in the project they’d been working on. When he wasn’t singing, Colt had a tune playing in the back of his mind. They needed one more song for the album, but it had eluded him. He’d have a late night ahead of him. Inspiration had struck again, and he knew it would be good.
The days passed in a flurry of activities. About a year ago, a well-known, wealthy landowner in Avondale passed away. Colt had jumped on the opportunity to buy an enormous slice of the property old man Howard’s heirs dumped on the market. He’d sat on it for a while. Now, not only was he working on music, but Colt searched for an architect and landscaper.
For a couple of weeks, he jotted down his requirements for the design. When he finished the list, Colt expected the architect to run the opposite way.
“I know this is a lot to organize on the property,” Colt apologized.
“Definitely. I’m going to want to experiment with this project. There’s no problem with the quantity of land you own. We can put all of this and more into that space. I’m assuming you’ll want some distance between the house and these other features,” he suggested, pointing at the other areas Colt had detailed.
“The house needs to be as private as possible. That’s my priority. The second is providing the key location for this area,” Colt said, pointing to one detailed column. “A private gated entrance for each grouping is important as well.”
“Got it. Well, you’ve given me a challenge and I love them. Give me a couple of weeks and I’ll have something roughed out for you. Then we’ll tweak the plan until my drawing fits all your criteria and makes you happy.”
“I’ll want my fiancée to have a look at it as well,” Colt said, loving the way that French word rolled off his tongue.
“Of course. Will she have other ideas I need to incorporate?”
“I don’t think so. But it’s possible.” Colt hedged his answer. He didn’t think Harper would be unpleased with anything he’d planned, but Colt wanted this to be her house as well.
“I encourage you to work together on the plan. I’d be glad to meet with you both when I’ve got a rough outline. Modifications during the planning stage are fairly easy to accomplish.”
“Sounds good. She’s in another city. I bet we could look at it on a video call.”
“Definitely. Where’s the property?”
“A small town far from Nashville.”
“Do you have a builder?”
“Not yet. That’s on my list,” Cole confessed. “Any recommendations on what to look for when I select one?”
“Definitely. I have a set of screening questions I recommend people ask. If you send me the address of the property, I can check our nationwide database for names of builders in that area,” the architect offered.
“Perfect. I’ll send that information as soon as I get home.”
The architect took another look at the requirements Colt had listed. “It’s unusual to have a large room accessible only through the master bedroom besides two walk-in closets. For safety, would you consider a door?”
“I would prefer that it be isolated completely. If on the ground floor, a window could serve as an emergency exit.”
“This is not a space for a minor?” the architect probed.
“No. It is a private space for my wife and me.” Colt met the man’s gaze directly from across the desk. He got the impression from his last question that the architect knew exactly what they would use this space for. He was sure other clients had requested many different types of designs and special needs.
“I understand. If I run into other questions, would you prefer that I call, email, or text?”