When a familiar tune started, Harper leaned forward to turn it up. “Hey, you’re on the radio.”

“Ah, that’s an old one.”

“I like it.” Harper listened for a few minutes before singing in harmony with Colt’s part. She nudged him and gestured for him to join her.

As he sang, Harper noted that his voice was deeper and richer than it had been straight out of college. Her eyes drifted over his powerful frame as she sang along to the radio, just as she always did when one of Colt’s songs played. He’d left town as a teenager. This attractive, powerful man had replaced him.

They were pulling into the parking lot when the last notes died out. Silence filled the cab as Colt parked the car. Pushing a button, he turned off the power and shifted to look at her.

“I miss singing with you, my Angel. We need to do more of that.”

“I’d like that, too.”

Colt squeezed her knee. “Stay there. I’ll come help you out.”

As they walked toward the entrance, a familiar voice called, “Wait for us, guys!”

Turning around, Harper smiled at the sight of Maisie and Beau headed their way. “Hey! Good timing.”

“I think I saw Rio parking,” Beau said as he leaned forward to kiss Harper’s hand gallantly.

“They’ll have to pass us here. Let’s all go in together,” Harper suggested.

Harper tried to control her smile as Amber approached, being herded safely out of traffic by Rio, who definitely was wearing a killer suit. She looked over at Colt to focus on his appearance.

“Damn,” Colt’s voice called across the last few yards as they approached. “I don’t know who’s prettier—Amber or Rio.”

“Amber, of course,” Rio corrected him before shaking hands with Colt and Beau as the ladies hugged everyone. “Shall we go in? I have a feeling this group is eagerly anticipated.”

“Harper, that dress is gorgeous. It didn’t come from Avondale,” Amber suggested, scanning her friend’s beautiful appearance.

"I might have treated myself to a trip out of town,” Harper confessed.

“It’s so flattering,” Maisie added. “You look curvalicious. Someone can’t keep his eyes off you.” She nodded Colt’s way.

Harper could tell that as soon as they were alone, Amber would have a million questions to ask her. She wished she knew all the answers.

The group moved inside after checking in and claimed a table where they could sit together. Amber, Maisie, and Harper moved close when classmates mobbed the men. After a few brief minutes, Rio extricated himself from the crowd and gathered drinks for everyone.

Armed with a glass of wine, Harper drank in sips. She never drank anything alcoholic, and could tell as good as it was, she’d have to be careful not to overdo it.

“So, we’ve talked about what we’ve been doing for the last twenty years. What are everyone’s plans for the next five or more?” Amber asked.

“Now that Harper and I are together, we have big decisions to make.” He hugged her close as the others looked at them with expressions of hope and concern.

“Together, together?” Maisie asked.

“Together,” Colt confirmed.

“Congratulations,” Amber said.

“Thank you,” Harper answered softly. She crossed her fingers behind her back. Please don’t make me tell our friends that it’s all a ruse.

When the topic of everyone moving back to Avondale arose, Harper held her breath. She’d missed everyone so much. It would be a dream to have everyone back together, even for a small portion of the time. Everyone sounded very positive, except Maisie. Harper had to grin at her staunch resistance to moving back to the town where the residents had judged her harshly based on her family background. Harper could tell they were going to have to work on her to change her mind.

And then Miranda arrived and started flirting with Rio. Harper rolled her eyes, being careful to look at the floor where the catty woman wouldn’t notice the movement. Surely even Miranda could see she didn’t have a chance with Rio. His eyes were laser-focused on Amber. With perfect timing, their class president called everyone to order, forcing Miranda to take her seat.

The meal was surprisingly good for something served to a large group. When Rio led Amber onto the dance floor, Harper propped her elbows on the table with her chin on her palms to watch, marveling at the fairytale ending that seemed to be happening for her friend. Rio danced superbly and led Amber across the floor as everyone admired them.

“He’s not the only one who can dance,” Colt told her softly and stood to extend a hand for hers.

“Oh, Colt. I don’t dance,” Harper tried to excuse herself.

“That gorgeous dress needs to be shown off,” he informed her as he coaxed her into joining him.

Trailing behind Colt, Harper focused on the industrial carpet below her feet so she wouldn’t see the looks of her former classmates. They had to be buzzing with gossip about hometown Harper and Colt, the country rockstar.