“Your facelift tape is coming undone here and here.”

Harper tried not to laugh as Miranda immediately raised her hands to double check those spots, proving Amber’s suggestion that Miranda had attempted to make herself appear less wrinkly was correct.

Leaving a sputtering Miranda behind, Amber and Harper stepped away. Before Amber could say anything to Harper about the encounter, former members of the cheer squad swarmed around her friend.

Harper stepped away automatically to allow them to get caught up on each other’s life. To her surprise, they included her in the discussion. They seemed genuinely glad to catch up with her, as well as Amber.

Keeping her eye on Amber, she watched the former cheerleader’s gaze lock with Rio’s when the conversation shifted to reveal that Rio now owned Murphy’s. It was as if they could communicate over the space that separated them. Harper covered her lips when they twitched with laughter upon seeing Rio shake his head at Amber and her shrug it off.

“Hi!” Monica appeared with her tray. She handed Amber a strawberry daiquiri.

“Harper, Rio sent you your favorite—a vanilla rum and diet Coke,” the server announced, offering her a tall glass.

“Thank him for me, Monica,” Harper answered.

“Ooo! Is that a strawberry daiquiri? I haven’t had one of those for years. Let’s go get one,” Becky suggested. In a flash, they were back alone as the cheerleaders streamed toward the bar.

Amber’s laughter drew Harper’s attention away from the parade for strawberry beverages. Harper watched her turn to look at Rio with amusement. The two shared a long-distance smirk.

“What did I miss?” Harper asked with a smile. It was going to be so much fun to watch these two. Maybe happily ever afters do exist.

“He didn’t put any alcohol in here. Rio always used to do that when I was a kid so I could have the cool drinks like all the glamorous women at the bar,” Amber shared.

“You two have a lot of history,” Harper said before noticing the arrival of two very special people.

“Look, there’s Maisie and Beau. He picked her up at the airport,” Harper said, pointing at the entrance.

With Amber on her heels, Harper rushed forward and greeted two more of their close circle of friends. Harper squeezed Maisie’s slight figure close before giving Beau a bear hug. She only remembered at the last moment that maybe that wasn’t acceptable anymore.

“Oh, sorry. Is hugging you off limits now?” she asked the handsome silver fox.

The entire group had always known Beau would follow his father into politics. Harper suspected there were new rules to follow now that he was in office.

“You can hug me any time, Harper,” he assured her when Maisie suggested Harper was concerned about media coverage before pulling Amber close as well.

Harper had seen her friends over the years but couldn’t stop staring at them. Maisie looked amazing. Gone were the threadbare hand-me-downs and in their place was an understated outfit that fit and complemented her perfectly. Even if Maisie had admitted to having a stylist now pick out her clothes, the brilliant scientist wore them with style.

And Beau. He exuded power and prestige without meaning to. Just as he had oozed leadership skills in the third grade, now he drew everyone’s attention. She crossed her fingers, hoping they’d get some time to talk as a group privately.

Harper looked for the security and media that always encircled him on TV. “Did they let you out alone?” she teased Beau.

“I have Maisie. She’ll protect me,” Beau answered, wrapping his arm around the smallest of their group. They all knew that while petite, she was a honey badger at heart.

“Well, well, well. The gang’s all here. Except for the famous country star. He’s too busy to come, I guess. Even as Harper’s imaginary boyfriend,” Miranda sneered from behind them.

Maisie immediately put the unpleasant woman in her place. “Good grief, Miranda. Are you still so constipated that you treat people like shit?”

Harper tried to control her smirk as everyone turned to look as Maisie’s voice carried around the room. Maisie definitely hadn’t lost her blunt way of dealing with others. Quickly, she said, “Maisie, it’s okay. I’m not sure why Miranda is worried about my love life.”

Almost visible steam rose from the unpleasant woman’s reddening face and Harper knew Miranda would exact her vengeance in the future. Sighing inwardly, Harper decided it was totally worth it. She let Miranda get by with too much because she didn’t like conflict.


Everyone turned to stare as the door banged open and an enormous figure rushed in to Murphy’s. Colt Ziegler stood at the entrance, scanning the crowd.

Damn, he looks good. Harper clenched her fingers into balls as she forced herself not to run into his arms as she wished.

A stellar athlete in high school, Colt had excelled in a variety of sports. On television specials and over their video calls, Harper had watched his teenage body fill out to become a grown man. Now seeing him in person, Colt’s broad shoulders mesmerized her. She traced them lower as they tapered athletically to a trim waist. She closed her eyes for a moment to file that mental picture before looking at him again.