“Colt? Oh, I can’t go to a concert,” she automatically refused.

“Give him a call,” Jerry suggested.

“Okay,” she agreed hesitantly.

Turning to face her building for a bit of privacy, Harper juggled her things to select his number. She tried not to think about the last call she’d made to him as it connected. At the sound of his deep voice, she felt her shoulders settle back into place.

“Harper. Change into jeans and that pretty pink top. Pack a bag for the weekend and jump in the limo. Jerry will take you to the airport.”

“Colt, I can’t just leave,” she protested.

“You don’t work until Monday, right?”


“Bring one of your pretty dresses. I want to show you the town. Move quickly. The plane’s leaving in an hour.”

“I can’t get packed and to the airport. It will take an hour to get checked in,” she pointed out, shaking her head even though he couldn’t see it. “Besides…”

“Trust me, Little girl. I’m taking care of you just as you took care of your Daddy last night. Come, let me show you that you are the only one I’d ever consider letting into my life. You need to see the truth to believe it.”

Opening her mouth to argue, Harper snapped it shut. He was right. She’d never just take his word to reject the suspicion in her mind.

“Go pack.”

She stared at the blank phone screen. Colt had hung up. Harper looked up to meet Jerry’s gaze. At his smile, she decided. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be here, miss.”

Dashing inside, Harper threw off her baby-stained clothes and pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and the pink shirt he’d requested. As she fastened the buttons, Harper felt pleased that he had even noticed what she was wearing. This was one of her favorites as well.

She threw underwear, socks, another pair of jeans, and a couple of T-shirts, as well as her second favorite dress from her shopping expedition into a suitcase. After doing what she could to make herself look presentable, she quickly gathered a small amount of makeup and daringly tucked the last couple of condoms from Colt’s box into her suitcase. Adding her one pair of high heels, Harper zipped it up.

She grabbed her purse as she retraced her steps to the limo. Jerry placed her small roller case into the trunk before Harper could change her mind and ushered her into the palatial back seat. A fragrant bouquet of roses sat inside in one cupholder. Leaning forward automatically to sniff, Harper saw a white card tucked into the blossoms.

I love you, Little girl, today and all our tomorrows.

Harper tried to keep her heart from becoming hopeful as she clasped her hands to her chest. Colt had been the only one to give her roses, starting with a pink one at Valentine’s Day in the sixth grade. She sat back as Jerry maneuvered the long vehicle out of the parking lot.

Am I really doing this?

Stiffening her resolve, Harper knew she needed to find out for sure. Living without Colt had been like having her heart ripped from her chest. Seeing him so sick last night had suggested maybe he needed her as much as she needed him. An idea kindled inside her mind.

That thought fled as Jerry turned onto a small road instead of getting on the highway to head to the nearest town with an airport. Opening her mouth to suggest he’d missed a turn, she fell silent when he went through a gated entrance. To her surprise, Harper saw a small plane sitting on a runway ahead. This small airstrip wasn’t a secret in town, but only the rich man who owned this land used it. She scanned the area looking for the famous person who that plane awaited.

When Jerry stopped a short distance away, she asked, “Are we picking someone else up?”

“The plane will take you the rest of the way.”

“I’m going on that?”

“Yes, miss. Let me open your door and we’ll get you on your way.”

She paused as she got out and scooped up the vase and flowers. Harper wasn’t leaving those behind. She walked forward slowly, lagging behind Jerry who rolled her suitcase to the luggage hatch below.

“Hello, Harper. You’re quick. We were expecting it would take you an hour to pack. Come in,” a friendly voice called from the doorway. “I’m Pete. I’ll be your pilot today.”

“Hi!” Harper climbed the steps and let Pete take the flowers from her when he promised to keep them safe during the flight. Another man in the cockpit called hello, and she returned the greeting before following the pilot to a luxurious seat and sitting down.

“That’s Tom. He’s taking care of the preflight communication with the tower. We’ll be off in a few. You’ll need to stay in your seat during take-off and landing. It should be a smooth flight so you can get up and wander around while in the air. The toilet is in the back.”