Embarrassed, she snapped back into a standing position and met his gaze. Desire ignited in his brown eyes, making her feel sexy. “Oops!”

She scanned down the length of his incredible body. Guys really do have those V thingies at their hips. Holy crap!

Harper had seen men naked on the screen and in pictures before—just never within arm’s distance and wet. She stared at his cock as it thickened and grew in front of her eyes. Without a conscious thought, she licked her lips as she wondered what he tasted like.

“You are going to be the death of me, Little girl. We’re never going to make it to that reunion if you tempt me anymore.” Colt turned and ducked his head under the spray of water.

Taking advantage of the moment as he tried to drown himself under the deluge, Harper finished shaving. She grabbed her bath pouf and poured bath wash on it. Keeping her back to him, she quickly washed the front of her body.

The feel of his hard buns touching hers made Harper jump forward. Her feet slipped on the enameled tub and she reached out for something to steady her, feeling her heart race with panic. Warm hands encircled her waist to steady her, pulling her back against his body.

“Whoa, Little girl. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“Sorry. There isn’t enough room in here,” she suggested, pressing her hands to her chest to calm the racing beat inside.

“There’s plenty of room. You’re just a tad skittish,” Colt suggested.

“It’s not like I shower with men regularly. Or ever!” she defended herself.

“I’m okay with that. Hand me that pouf and move your hair. I’ll wash your back.”

It was easier to follow his instructions. She surrendered the soapy ball and reached up to gather her hair in her hands. Loving Colt’s arm wrapped around her waist to keep her safe, Harper savored the long strokes of the soft material along the length of her spine. A girl could get used to this.

Colt stepped out of the way to allow the water to flow over her back and rinse away the soap bubbles. “Anything else left to wash?” he asked in an implied offer of help as he stroked the netting over her bottom.

“No. I’m good,” Harper rushed to assure him, and held her hand out.

When he returned the bath pouf, she bravely asked in a rush, “Can I return the favor?”

“You’re playing with fire, Angel. My self-control only goes so far.”

“I’ll just wash your back,” she protested, feeling daring.

Slowly, Colt turned around in the shower. He pressed his hands against the tiled wall and dunked his head under the water flow for a few seconds before shaking the water off like a dog.

“Hey! You’ll get my hair wet,” she protested as she gawked at Colt’s backside.

When he glanced over his shoulder at her, she knew she’d been distracted for too long. Quickly, she spread suds over his back, being very careful to wash every hard, muscled inch. When he moaned, she knew he enjoyed her touch as much as she had savored his.

“Go, Angel,” he ordered gruffly as he stood up abruptly.

“Okay. You don’t have to be mean about it. I was just trying to help,” she groused. Even ticked off at him, Harper appreciated his help in stepping out of the tub safely.

The moment the shower curtain flicked back into place, Harper heard him move and then gasp. The steam rising over the top of the railing evaporated. She could feel the chill in the air and knew that Colt had resorted to another cold shower. Harper clapped a hand over her mouth as she giggled.

Grabbing a towel, she dried off quickly and rushed into the bedroom to struggle into her shapewear before he emerged. A couple minutes later, she heard the water turn off and the rings slide on the shower rod, heralding his exit. Tugging the tight garment up her full thighs, Harper danced as she pulled it into place. The water turned on and she heard him brushing his teeth.

Mumble, mumble, mumble. Colt said something as he cleaned his teeth. The words were so jumbled she couldn’t tell what he was saying. “What?”

The mumble repeated a bit louder. She could hear his voice drawing closer as she lifted her smooshed breasts into place. “Oh, gotcha,” she improvised to answer him, gambling that it was generic enough to apply to many situations.

Harper smoothed her hands over any small wrinkles as she dashed to the closet to find her favorite of the new dresses from her closet. Forcing herself to slow down and not damage the material, she extricated the hanger from the gorgeous garment and unfastened the zipper as she reminded herself he’d already seen her naked. Somehow, being partially dressed felt more nude than totally bare did.