“When things are important, they stay foremost in my brain,” he assured her. “Plus, I have a counter on my phone.”
“You track how long it’s been since we’ve sung together?” she asked as he helped her step up on the stage.
“That’s important to me. Ready?” he asked.
Harper looked at the crowd surrounding them. Not only were there former classmates, but the regular crowd filled Murphy’s. When Harper came for a drink, she didn’t mingle with many, but the regulars recognized each other and were cordial. Most of that crowd had never heard her sing.
“It’s been so long,” she whispered.
“Sing for me, Angel,” Colt urged, and she caved.
“Okay.” Fixing her gaze on the words displayed before her, Harper didn’t look at anyone.
The song demanded her attention. Opening her mouth to allow the vibrant notes to flow from her, Harper could hear the quiver in her voice. Colt’s fingers intertwined with hers and squeezed tightly, reminding her he was here. She held onto him, absorbing his strength and support as she relaxed into the music. The challenge of something more demanding than children’s tunes inspired her. This was fun!
When Colt’s incredible voice joined with hers, Harper shivered. The blend of their abilities drew the best from them both. She peeked up to judge the reaction of the audience as the conversation in the bar dropped noticeably in volume.
Rapt expressions and smiles met her glance. They were all enjoying the music. Confidence grew inside her as people gathered around them. She knew most were eager to hear Colt sing. He was the star of their graduating class. But she also noted that her singing wowed the acquaintances she’d run into at Murphy’s over the years. They’d never expected her ability to bring a song to life.
And her band of friends? Harper grinned at them as Maisie hooted her approval, Beau gave her two thumbs up, and Amber cheered her on. She sneaked a look at Rio behind the bar to find him dancing as he concocted drinks. He caught her eye and winked. Harper knew he was Amber’s, but the gesture made her feel more appealing.
When Colt let go of her hand to wrap his arm around her and pull her hip tight against his body, Harper knew he’d seen it, too. She nudged him with her elbow to let Colt know he had nothing to worry about. As if anyone could be more appealing.
The last notes faded out and the crowd went wild. Asking her a silent question, Colt’s eyes locked with hers. Harper hesitated and then realized that this could be her only chance to sing with him. Colt would have to leave again. She couldn’t keep him there. When she nodded, he keyed up another song for them.
“That’s my girl,” he said quietly to her.
She couldn’t stop the smile that spread over her lips. Being with him always felt so good. Harper crossed her fingers behind her back. Please let time freeze now.
After the next song, Colt waved to the crowd and invited another classmate up to entertain everyone. He helped Harper off the stage as their class clown stepped up eagerly to butcher a new popular tune, singing so badly that the crowd couldn’t help being amused as the duo walked back to join their friends.
Loving the feel of Colt’s large hand steering her through the crowd, Harper smiled up at him. “That was fun. Thanks for encouraging me.”
“We’ll do it again. I’ll look forward to singing with you here again.”
“The crowd didn’t know it was going to get a Colt Ziegler concert tonight,” she joked.
“Colt Ziegler, the country star, isn’t here tonight. When I’m with you, I’m the same guy who sat next to you in Mr. Chamberlain’s class.”
“Mr. Chamberlain. How is he, Harper?” Maisie asked, overhearing the last of their conversation as they approached.
“He’s amazing. I just saw him. He was a guest reader for my crew. They love it when he visits,” Harper said with a smile.
“Is he still teaching?” Maisie asked.
“Yes and no. He’s retired now, but he substitutes a lot. I’m sure he’s in great demand to cover classes. He told me to tell you all he’d love to see you,” Harper shared.
“I think that’s a great idea. We don’t really have time this weekend, but once we’re all back in town, let’s get together for lunch or dinner,” Beau suggested.
“Great idea,” Colt agreed.
A wave of classmates joined them as everyone mingled throughout the room. Colt kept Harper close to him. She let him answer everyone’s thinly veiled and blunt questions about their relationship. A people person, Colt could handle everyone. It was a huge relief to allow him to take care of this. Harper would have never been able to answer all the questions.
“Want to get out of here?” Colt asked about two hours into the gathering.