I kiss him hard, scraping my fingers over his short hair, which isn’t bristly at all. My other hand tangles itself in his beard and tugs him to me by those crinkly hairs. It’s softer than I ever thought a beard could be. He doesn’t have a mustache to go with it, so I don’t have to eat a mouthful of hair, which is nice. The kiss is all just lips, lips, fantastical lips.

I suppose it might also be hips, hips, fantastical hips because I find myself rocking and curling my hips into him until they bang against his waist and a bulge that’s—holy mother of pineapples, it’s not a zucchini in there, is it? Right. It’s most assuredly a zucchini because it was Bring Your Own Squash To Lunch Day.

Lennox stumbles back, our lips come apart with a smack, and I let out a little squeak as I thrust my hand up to my tingling, aching lips. My mouth. Jesus, my mouth. I press my hand to my mouth as I pant hard. Lennox looks just as wild. Not because his hair is ruffled and out of place or because he’s flushed. It’s his eyes. The feral light in them is out of control.

“You should be good to go then,” he says with a grunt. “Take care. Good luck with your test.”

I watch him walk away, rounding the corner of the alley and disappearing from view all too soon. I do get a healthy view of his bottom line, though, and my god, seriously, I’ve never seen anyone’s bottom line look better than his bottom line. It makes my bottom line—

That’s seriously too far. Seriously. Too. Far. Yet. Again.

I take a moment in the alley to get my shit together and head screwed back on so that, this time, when I walk across the street, I don’t nearly get run over. I skip the diner because I can’t focus on lunch, and I’m not hungry for anything but another one of those wild kisses.



“What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?”

We ask the question at the same time as soon as Lennox opens the door after I’ve rung the bell. At Ayana and Ransom’s house.

I cross my arms over my chest, doing my best to ward off the sexy gamma waves he sends through the air, but nope, it’s futile. They hit me like a hot lava eruption, making my body go full-on trembly volcano. To be fair, he does look like a god standing in the light of the open door, the golden beams treating his handsome face very kindly and outlining his massive, built body the way a golden gilt frame outlines a masterpiece. This masterpiece happens to be wearing a tight-fitting black long-sleeve shirt and jeans that hug thighs that I’d like to hug like—

Thighs you’d like to hug. Seriously now? We’re already going there? It’s been all of half a nano-second.

“Umm, I told Ayana I would babysit, so I’m here. For Maya.”

Lennox groans. “Looks like we’ve been set up then because they left hours ago. Maya is already asleep. If the doorbell didn’t wake her up, that is.”

“Oh. I…I should go then.”

His nostrils flare, and I don’t know if it’s because he’s annoyed or because he’s scenting the air. It shouldn’t be sexy. It should be weird, like a snake’s tongue flicking out, but it’s hot. Yeah. Just. Hot.

“You should come in. Ayana said you haven’t met her surprise yet.”

“She did say she had a surprise. But met? Is it living?”

In answer to that question, a tiny gray kitten comes charging at the door, and Lennox’s arm snakes out, grabs my hand, and pulls me inside so he can quickly shut the door. He drops my fingers right away, but I’m left standing there and smoldering. I get it. He didn’t want the kitten to get out. But still, my body doesn’t get it. The only thing it’s registering is the fact that Lennox just touched me.

Sad. Sad and pathetic, I know. I’m truly both of those things.

I can’t help myself. I’m still playing that kiss from the alley a few days ago over and over in my head. I played it the night before my driver’s test when I couldn’t sleep because I was so steamed up. I might have even tried to work my magic button with my fingers just to banish the full-body burn keeping me awake, but that just made me think about the kiss more. I didn’t realize it was possible for a climax to make me even hornier, but I guess now I know it can be a thing.

“Missy Pickle Poo.” Lennox stoops down and grabs the kitten. She’s a typical kitten, wild and fun, and she immediately swings around in his hands and bats at his nose. He pulls her away just in time and sets her down. She goes tearing through the house, leaping, spinning, and being a totally adorable kitten.