“Totally. I have to get some sleep.” I don’t want Drew to go, but I also don’t want this poor angel of a woman to have to wield a shotgun at a deranged gobbler at one in the morning all by herself. “And you really should give Drew the chance to be your hero after you were ours. We’re so very grateful.”

“All right, then,” she says, with a shy grin as she pulls on her coat. “And maybe Kyle will be afraid of you since you’re bigger than I am and leave me alone for good.”

“Kyle?” Drew asks.

“That’s what I named the turkey,” Wren says. “Because he’s a jerk and what’s a jerkier name than Kyle?” Her eyes fly to mine as she lifts a hand. “Not that it’s a bad name, if you have a friend named Kyle or something. Not all Kyles are jerks, it’s just if you meet a jerk, there’s a good chance, he’s named Kyle. You know?”

“Oh, I do,” I say, grinning her way. “I like you. A lot. I’m going to make you a double batch of cookies. Which reminds me, let me give you my phone number so we can connect tomorrow.” I move to the kitchen, grabbing the small pen and pad I noticed by the landline phone earlier. I quickly write my number down—twice—and cross back to the door. “Here you go. One for you. And one for you.” I let my fingers linger on Drew’s for a second, willing him to text me tomorrow with my eyes.

“I’ll text you as soon as I get home,” he says in that warm, rumbly voice of his. “Let you know I got there safe.”

“You do that,” I murmur. “And let me how things went with Kyle. Tell him to quit being a dick for me.”

“I will,” Drew says, with that same flirty grin.

Our dating future hasn’t been ruined by our weird sex accident, after all! And if this goes as well as I hope it will, we now have a kick-ass “The Night we Met Story.”

I shouldn’t be thinking weeks down the road, let alone months or years, but there’s just something about Drew. I already feel so comfortable with him, like I’ve known him my whole life.

Or like, I’ve been waiting to know him…

After Wren and Drew head out, I cross back to the kitchen and scrawl on the pad, “I think I’d miss you, even if we’d never met,” and stick it to the refrigerator with one of the Bad Dog magnets left there by my landlord. I write down inspiring quotes and stick them where I’ll see them all the time, but this is my first time writing a quote straight from the heart.

But it feels so right.

Just looking at it makes my tummy do a happy flip…even at seven a.m. the next morning when I’m awoken by a clanky garbage truck only five hours after hitting the sheets.

It cheers me as I make cookies and put a few pictures of family and friends out around my new place. Later, after a great afternoon chatting with Wren at a local coffee shop, it makes me smile as I whip up a grilled cheese for dinner.

And then I get my third text from Drew since he left last night, a simple—Can I take you out for dinner Wednesday night? I have a short day at work and my new childcare situation should be sorted out by then—and my already happy heart does a touchdown dance.

I text back—Yes! I should be off work at six. Excited to see you again—and settle in to watch reruns of Absolutely Fabulous, feeling a little smug about my love life for the first time in years.

I can imagine the conversation with my sisters now—

You just moved to town and met an incredible, kind, funny, sex god of a man on your first night?

Why, yes…yes, I did. Thank you for asking.

But I should have known better.

The course of my love life has never run smooth and smug is a dangerous emotion. It’s cocky, arrogant. Indulging in smugness is just asking the universe to give you the kick in the ass you so richly deserve.

It’s a fact proven Monday morning when I pull into my new employer’s driveway and Drew steps out of the front door, carrying a little girl with fiery red hair and his big brown eyes.

Chapter Five


At first, I think Tatum got my address from Wren and decided to surprise me with breakfast or something. And though I would usually be irritated by someone showing up unannounced when I’m trying to get Sarah Beth settled with a brand-new nanny and myself off to work, when I see Tatum’s curly red head emerge from her ancient hatchback, I can’t help but smile.

I’m just so happy to see her again.